Hershey’s Kissables: a Sweet Tale of Innovation and Market Response

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Updated: Dec 15, 2023
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Hershey’s Kissables: a Sweet Tale of Innovation and Market Response

This essay provides a detailed examination of the rise and fall of Hershey’s Kissables, a variant of the classic Hershey’s Kisses introduced in 2005. It explores the strategic reasons behind the launch of Kissables, emphasizing their innovative design aimed at capturing a market leaning towards fun, shareable, and visually appealing snacks. The initial success of Kissables is attributed to effective marketing strategies and their unique appeal. However, the essay also delves into the challenges that led to their decline, including a significant formula change that altered the product’s taste and quality, diminishing consumer enthusiasm. Additionally, it discusses the broader competitive dynamics of the confectionery market and the impact of the late 2000s economic downturn on consumer preferences, which ultimately led to Hershey’s decision to discontinue Kissables in 2009. The story of Kissables is presented as a valuable case study in product innovation, marketing, and the complex interplay of factors that influence the lifecycle of consumer products in the confectionery industry. Also at PapersOwl you can find more free essay examples related to Innovation

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Hershey’s Kissables, introduced by The Hershey Company in 2005, were a colorful and innovative addition to the world of confectionery. As a variant of the iconic Hershey’s Kisses, Kissables were miniature, candy-coated versions of the beloved chocolate. This essay explores the journey of Hershey’s Kissables, from their inception to their eventual discontinuation, analyzing the factors that contributed to their initial success and subsequent decline.

The introduction of Kissables was a strategic move by Hershey to expand its product line and tap into the growing market for bite-sized, shareable candies.

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Kissables were designed to be more portable and less prone to melting than traditional Hershey’s Kisses, making them a convenient snack option. Their bright, colorful coating and playful shape appealed to both children and adults, aligning with the consumer trend towards visually appealing, fun foods.

Initially, Kissables enjoyed considerable success. Their launch was supported by a robust marketing campaign that emphasized their unique features and fun factor. The product was positioned not just as a chocolate treat but as an experience – something to be shared and enjoyed in social settings. This marketing approach resonated with consumers, and for a time, Kissables became a popular snack in the United States.

However, the success of Hershey’s Kissables was short-lived. Several factors contributed to their decline. One of the key issues was a change in the product’s formula. In an attempt to reduce costs, Hershey altered the composition of Kissables, replacing cocoa butter with cheaper vegetable oil. This change led to the product losing its status as “milk chocolate” and being relabeled as “chocolate candy.” For many consumers, this alteration negatively impacted the taste and quality of Kissables, leading to a decrease in their popularity.

Additionally, the novelty of Kissables began to wear off. With a plethora of candy options available in the market, consumers’ initial excitement over Kissables started to diminish. The competition in the confectionery market is fierce, with companies constantly introducing new and innovative products. Kissables, once a novel product, struggled to maintain their distinctiveness in a rapidly evolving market.

The final nail in the coffin for Hershey’s Kissables was the economic downturn of the late 2000s. As consumers became more budget-conscious, premium-priced candies like Kissables were among the first to experience a drop in sales. Consumers started to gravitate towards more familiar and economically priced options, and as a result, Hershey decided to discontinue Kissables in 2009.

In conclusion, the story of Hershey’s Kissables offers valuable insights into product innovation, marketing, and the dynamic nature of consumer preferences in the confectionery industry. Kissables’ initial success demonstrated Hershey’s ability to innovate and capture market interest. However, their decline and eventual discontinuation highlight the challenges faced by consumer goods in sustaining popularity. Factors such as product changes, market competition, and economic conditions played significant roles in the life cycle of Kissables. Their story serves as a case study in the complexities of product development and the importance of maintaining quality and consumer trust in the competitive world of confectionery.

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Hershey's Kissables: A Sweet Tale of Innovation and Market Response. (2023, Dec 15). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/hersheys-kissables-a-sweet-tale-of-innovation-and-market-response/