The Boston Tea Party

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It goes without saying that The Boston Tea Party was a pivotal moment in history. The colonist was being oppressed by Britain and was forced obey their command. The crown had begun imposing taxes on the colonist without giving them a choice in the matter. Due to the fact The French and Indian War had ended; it seemed to be a good plan at that time. The distance and lack of communication caused a bit of ignorance on the British side.

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They couldn’t see the effects the taxes had on the colonist.

On November 17, 1773 selectmen had signed a petition for the resignation of the tea consignees. The petition stated the East India Company will export the teas to the Boston port. Boston claimed they weren’t fully informed of the terms they would be receiving the tax. The tea was a dangerous and highly alarming problem which existed with the town. The document claims they refused giving satisfaction to the town that requested the resignation. The British had underhandedly gotten the colonist to allow the sale of British tea in the Boston port. By giving them, either the half-truth or purposely leaving information out the British achieved their goal of selling tea in America.

At Faneuil Hall, a meeting was held on November 29, 1773 to discuss the sale of East India Company tea. The Bostonians planned to find a way to keep the tea from being unloaded. They did everything in their power to keep the tea on the ship. Certain people were appointed to watch the ships as they docked. The overseer’s job was to ensure not a single load of tea made it off the ships. In addition to this, the attendees of the meeting sent copies to New York and Philadelphia.

The colonist had a series of unwanted taxes imposed onto them; particularly The Stamp Act of 1765 and The Townshend Acts of 1767. The Stamp Act taxed virtually every piece of paper from playing cards to legal documents. The Townshend Acts went even further by taxing paint, glass, and tea. The taxes were thought to be a good idea because Britain’s debt was earned fighting a war on the colonist behalf. The colonist was infuriated by the Parliament choice to use them as a source of revenue knew something needed to be done.

The Boston Tea Party was a key political protest that sparked an upcoming revolution. The Boston Tea Party was the spark that the colonist needed. The colonist dumped 342 chests of British tea into the Boston Harbor. This made Great Britain see that the colonist wasn’t taking anything sitting down. This protest gave the 13 colonies a reason, and the will to fight for independence.


Lastly The Boston Tea Party was more than the dumping of the tea. There were a plethora of events leading up to The Boston Tea Party. The American colonist even tried to prevent it from happening by holding meetings to keep the tea off American land. From the importing of unwanted tea to the ridiculous taxing; the colonist been through plenty in a short time. The Boston Tea Party went simply how they planned to start the road to the end of an era, and the start of a new day.

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The Boston Tea Party. (2019, Jan 22). Retrieved from