The Best Caring Teacher

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Updated: Apr 30, 2024
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My mission is to use my time and talents to effect the children of the world. I want to be their source of light and education. I wish them to be able to come to me with their problems and love me and much as I love them. I want to see their eyes light up when they finally get it, when a thread of knowledge is added to their mind, affecting their entire outlook in life. I want to open their eyes. I aspire to teach all elementary ages in whatever subject necessary to help them to love learning, become better people, and affect society in a good way. I consider and see myself as a lifelong teacher and learner. I hope to be able to be a teacher even in my old age, looking back on my life and being proud of the lives I have touched, the small part of the world I changed through my students.

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Whether past, present or future, I know I will be able to make a difference and live a fulfilling life through teaching. As an elementary school teacher , it is my goal to be a caring, competent, and collaborative teacher. To be a caring teacher, I am confident I will build respectful and caring relationships with my students. I want to create a community of learners that will improve society's economy, politics, intellect, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and pillars of character. I will encourage and support successful learning, which includes responding and honoring learning differences. I will also utilize my knowledge of human development to be the best caring teacher I can be. Further, I wish to be a competent teacher. I desire to design, plan, implement, and evaluate curriculum.

To improve that curriculum and instruction, I will be open to correction and improvement. In this way my instruction will be the best it can be in the present time. I aspire to become a great communicator through experience and building upon what I have already acquired. Communicating effectively and clearly is an important part of being a successful teacher. Paired with this is the ability to problem solve in a constructive and creative way. When present with problems I hope to solve them in the best way possible. This may include using technology, new curriculum and new styles of teaching in my classroom. This is especially important as the world is changing drastically everyday. 

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The Best Caring Teacher. (2022, Jun 27). Retrieved from