Suicide Prevention and its Role in Transforming Nursing Practice

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The article I have chosen to analyze focuses on the hospital goal NPSG.15.01.01, which emphasizes identifying patients who are most at risk of attempting suicide. This particular article, titled "Suicide Assessment and Nurses: What Does the Evidence Show?" by Bolster, Holliday, Oneal, and Shaw (2015), serves as a secondary source. A secondary article expands on original research, often by reviewing, analyzing, or building upon primary data. In this case, the article reviews existing research on suicide assessment training for nurses, highlighting its significance in the healthcare system.

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The primary objective of this essay is to explore how the article enhances our understanding of suicide prevention in nursing, and to reflect on its implications for nursing practice.

Understanding the Article

The article "Suicide Assessment and Nurses: What Does the Evidence Show?" examines the critical role nurses and healthcare professionals play in suicide prevention. According to the article, "The majority of people who complete suicide have visited a healthcare provider in the previous month of their suicide" (Bolster et al., 2015). This alarming statistic forms the foundation for the article's exploration of four interconnected themes: beliefs and attitudes of nurses, lack of education in suicide prevention, training programs for nurses, and examples of successful training interventions. These themes are intricately connected, demonstrating how negative beliefs or attitudes can stem from insufficient education and how specialized training can transform these attitudes into effective prevention strategies.

The article emphasizes that nurses' attitudes towards suicide can significantly impact their care delivery. Negative connotations or personal biases may hinder effective suicide assessment. However, the article posits that these attitudes can be transformed through adequate education and training. The authors provide examples of successful training programs that have equipped registered nurses (RNs) with the necessary skills to identify and assist suicidal patients. These insights are crucial for understanding how healthcare professionals can better support at-risk patients.

Enhancing Nursing Practice

After engaging with this article, my perspective on suicide prevention in nursing has profoundly shifted. As a nursing student, it has become evident that personal beliefs, biases, or attitudes must not interfere with patient assessments, particularly those related to suicide. The article underscores the sensitivity of suicide as a topic in healthcare, emphasizing the responsibility of healthcare professionals to advocate for all patients. It is distressing to learn that some healthcare professionals may inadvertently harm patients due to their own misconceptions or lack of competence in addressing suicide. The article serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of adopting a non-judgmental and informed approach to patient care.

The article also introduces the concept of specific training programs designed to enhance healthcare professionals' ability to assess and address suicidal patients. These programs equip RNs with the necessary knowledge and skills to identify at-risk individuals and provide appropriate interventions. This information aligns with the foundational nursing principle that assessment is paramount. While physical assessments are crucial, mental health assessments, including those related to suicide, hold equal importance. By acquiring these critical assessment skills, healthcare professionals can better serve patients who seek help within the healthcare system.


In conclusion, the article "Suicide Assessment and Nurses: What Does the Evidence Show?" sheds light on the vital role of suicide assessment training for nurses. It highlights the interconnectedness of beliefs, education, and training in suicide prevention, ultimately underscoring the importance of equipping healthcare professionals with the tools they need to support at-risk patients. By recognizing the impact of attitudes and biases on care delivery, nurses can better align their practice with the needs of suicidal patients. This article serves as a call to action for healthcare professionals to prioritize mental health assessments and advocate for comprehensive training programs. As suicide continues to be a leading cause of death, it is imperative that healthcare professionals remain vigilant, empathetic, and informed in their approach to patient care.

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Suicide Prevention and Its Role in Transforming Nursing Practice. (2022, Apr 17). Retrieved from