Steve Jobs’ Secret of Success

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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Steve Jobs was born on February, 24, 1955. When he was only seven days old, his parents made the decision to give him up; he was then adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. During his childhood, Steve had fallen into the wrong crowd and had made some bad decisions. He was later suspended from school. However, after this darker period in his life, he had a turning point when he transferred to another school.

Due to a talented teacher, he was able to focus on his education and turn his life around.

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Now that Jobs was more involved in his schooling, he began getting involved in more school projects, this was an early sign of the type of work ethic he had. During one of his projects, he was assembling an indicator of frequency counter for a school physics lab, and he was missing a few of the parts. So, at the age of twelve, a brave Steve Jobs decided to call William Hewlett, the president of the company Hewlett-Packard at that time, in hopes to acquire the missing parts for his frequency counter. During the conversation, the young Jobs said: “My name is Steve Jobs and I would like to know whether you have some spare parts that I can use to assemble my indicator of frequency”. The conversation lasted for more than a half an hour, and Jobs convinced Hewlett to ship the parts that he needed. Seeing the young Jobs natural talent of persuasion and wiliness to work hard, William Hewlett then offered Steve a summer internship at Hewlett-Packard. After graduation, in 1972, Jobs got accepted into Reed College in Portland, Oregon.

However, he dropped out of the school after his first semester, because he felt his decision was rushed and that he had naively chosen a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, but had a poor education, so he thought his parent’s savings were being wasted on a useless education. He did not see the point of getting a degree. He didn’t know at all what he would do with his life, and he didn’t understand why he was spending his time and money on college. He was scared then, but looking back, he understands that this was one of the best decisions in his life. Just like Hewlett-Packard, Apple’s work began in a garage owned by Steve Jobs’ foster father. He supported his son and his partners, and he even created a giant machine that played the role of the first “assembly line” in the history of the corporation. Jobs, Wozniak, and Wayne partnered up on April 1, 1976 and formed Apple Computer Company. Of course, a young company required initial capital, the funds were obtained by selling personal items from the owners; Steve Jobs sold his minibus, and Wozniak sold his favorite programmable calculator from Hewlett-Packard.

At the very beginning, the starting capital of the company was a mere $1,300 but now, but thanks to the sales of the first computer assembled on the platform of the Wozniak board, the company increased its capita by 3.5 times in two years. As of the year of 2017, the annual Worldwide revenue of Apple was $229 Billion.

Jobs was a very hardworking individual, and the company’s net worth, speaks volumes to his character. He even designed the logo for Apple, which is now iconic to modern day society (Davies). After another 3 years, after the release of Apple II, the cost of the corporation reached $2 billion. At that time, Steve Jobs was only 25 years old, and his fortune was about $250 million. For 5 years, Steve and Woz have successfully collaborated and presented their new projects to the world: Macintosh, Apple-Lisa, Apple III. But in 1985, due to disagreements in the management of the corporation, their paths diverged (McInerney). Jobs’ heavy temper was partly the reason for his dismissal. He did not recognize the word “NO” and he was stubborn and would not considered others point of view. Some might say he was a little masochistic, but he had success to support his efforts. He communicated with employees in a rather harsh manner. One example of this is, dividing them by the “idiots” and the “smart guys.” But the conflict was caused by disagreements in the tactics of the corporation’s development: a top manager called Scully, directed efforts to increase the company’s profits, and Jobs insisted that they should look for ways to make products more accessible to all customers. As a result of the argument, Steve Jobs was fired from his own company. These times were hard for Jobs; however, there were some positive moments.

Jobs was determined to be successful; he founded the computer company NeXT, and he became interested in graphics and acquired the animation studio Pixar. A few years after Jobs was expelled from Apple, the corporation– thanks to its superiority in desktop publishing– had a big profit. However, the new management of the company chose a short-sighted course of development, and during the absence of Jobs, the company’s share in the market fell significantly. In 1996, Jobs was invited to return as executive director of Apple because of the company’s losses. Jobs subsequently, merged NeXT and Apple together in hopes to improve product quality (Dormehl).

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Steve Jobs' Secret of Success. (2021, Apr 16). Retrieved from