Starbucks Corporate Crisis Management

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Updated: Dec 05, 2024
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At the start of this year, Starbucks found itself embroiled in a crisis that threatened to tarnish its global reputation. This situation underscored the importance of crisis management strategies, which businesses worldwide must be prepared to deploy swiftly and effectively when unexpected events occur. In this essay, I will delve into the origins of the crisis, conduct a stakeholder analysis, evaluate the company's response, and assess the effectiveness of their actions. Additionally, I will suggest alternative approaches that might have been more appropriate.

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The analysis will also explore the recovery process, the lessons learned, and any benefits derived from the crisis, while also considering the intermediaries involved in managing stakeholder relationships. The overarching aim of this essay is to provide a comprehensive understanding of Starbucks' crisis management and to offer insights into how similar situations can be handled in the future.

Crisis Overview and Origins

Starbucks, an American coffeehouse chain that many consider a second home, faced its worst nightmare when two African-American men were arrested in one of its Philadelphia locations. The incident unfolded when the men, who were waiting for a friend before placing an order, were denied access to the restroom and subsequently asked to leave. Their refusal led to the manager calling the police, resulting in their arrest. This incident, live-tweeted by customer Melissa DePino, quickly went viral, sparking widespread outrage and accusations of racial discrimination. The rapid dissemination of information on social media platforms like Twitter highlighted the immense power these channels wield in shaping public perception. As a company that prides itself on its mission to "inspire and nurture the human spirit," Starbucks faced a significant challenge in addressing this crisis.

Stakeholder Analysis

In crisis situations, the role of stakeholders becomes increasingly vital. Howard Schultz, then chairman of Starbucks, promptly apologized on behalf of the company, taking responsibility for the manager's actions. This move was a double-edged sword, earning praise from some quarters for being proactive, while others viewed it as a mere attempt at damage control. The incident sparked protests and calls for boycotts, emphasizing the importance of maintaining stakeholder trust and the consequences of failing to do so. Customers, a key stakeholder group, were particularly concerned about racial bias potentially becoming a recurring issue at Starbucks. Some speculated that the company might exploit the situation as a public relations opportunity. Yet, the sincerity of Schultz's apology and his determination to address the issue seemed to resonate with many.

Evaluation of Response and Effectiveness

Starbucks' response to the crisis was multifaceted and, for the most part, well-received. CEO Kevin Johnson expressed deep regret and embarrassment over the events in Philadelphia. His decision to personally reach out to the victims to apologize and seek resolution was an exemplary move. This gesture, along with the settlement reached with the two men, underscored a commitment to rectifying the situation. In the face of organized protests and a national boycott, Johnson announced the temporary closure of 8,000 stores for bias training—a bold move demonstrating the company's dedication to addressing the root causes of the crisis. Despite the delayed initial response—taking two days to issue a statement—the company's subsequent actions were decisive and impactful. However, an area for improvement lies in the speed of their initial communication. Utilizing multiple platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and television could have expedited their response, making it more timely.

Lessons Learned and Strategic Benefits

The Starbucks crisis serves as a poignant reminder of the critical need for effective crisis management strategies. The company learned valuable lessons about the importance of swift communication and the need for comprehensive bias training. By confronting the crisis head-on, Starbucks not only mitigated potential long-term damage but also reinforced its commitment to diversity and inclusion. This experience provided an opportunity for organizational growth and reflection on its practices and values. The incident highlighted the necessity of ongoing dialogue with stakeholders to foster understanding and trust. Moreover, the crisis shed light on the power dynamics inherent in customer-company interactions and the expectations of accountability and transparency in the modern business landscape.


In conclusion, the Starbucks incident in Philadelphia was a significant test of the company's crisis management capabilities. The swift apology from leadership, the settlement with the victims, and the nationwide bias training initiative were commendable steps in addressing the crisis. However, the delay in initial communication suggested areas for improvement in crisis response strategies. The lessons learned from this experience underscore the importance of transparency, accountability, and swift action in crisis situations. Starbucks' handling of the incident provides valuable insights into the complexities of managing stakeholder relationships and maintaining a company's reputation in the age of social media. As businesses navigate an increasingly interconnected world, the ability to effectively manage crises will continue to be a crucial determinant of long-term success.

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Starbucks Corporate Crisis Management. (2019, Jan 02). Retrieved from