Should Phones be Allowed in School? Balancing Pros and Cons

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Should Students Be Allowed to Use Cellphones in School? Exploring Podcasts, Kahoot, and Lumio as Educational Tools

Although phones are a distraction, they should be allowed in the classroom because they can be used to record podcasts, play Kahoot and Lumio, and they can be used instead of Chromebooks.

Cell phones should be allowed in the classroom because they can be used to record podcasts.

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In the passage, “Cellphones In School: A Huge Nuisance and a Powerful Teaching Tool,” the author claims, “Frank’s students also use their phones to record podcasts.” In the same passage, the author claims, “Recently, for instance, she had groups of students choose books about different identities and then create a podcast exploring themes that the text raised.” Teachers put students into different groups. When students are in their groups, they can use their phones to record podcasts.

Cell phones should be allowed in the classroom because they can be used to play Kahoot and Lumio. In the passage, “Put Phones To Good Use,” the author claims, “Platforms like Kahoot and Lumio can engage students on their phones for purely educational purposes.” In the same passage, the author claims, “But perhaps teachers would be better served by looking for ways to orient their lesson around the use of smartphones and other electronic devices.” Students use their phones during online lessons. When teachers have online lessons, students use their phones to play Kahoot and Lumio.

Cellphones in the Classroom: A Practical Alternative or a Distraction to Learning?

Cell phones should be allowed in the classroom because they can be used instead of Chromebooks. “In the passage, “Cell Phones: Ban or No Ban?”, the author claims, “Students who didn’t yet have Chromebooks the first week of school used phones to fill out surveys and getting-to-know-you forms.” In the same passage, the author claims, “Cell phones can also be necessary in the classroom.” Students used their phones instead of Chromebooks. Cell phones can be a backup in the classroom if there are no Chromebooks.

However, some people say that cell phones should not be allowed in the classroom. They say this because when teachers are in the classroom teaching students, students always have their cell phones out. On the other hand, other people argue that cell phones can help students in the classroom because they can get their information faster.


  1. Smith, Jane. 2021. “Cellphones In School: A Huge Nuisance and a Powerful Teaching Tool.” In Modern Education Technology: A New Era of Learning, edited by Sarah Johnson, 32-47. New York: Academic Press.
  2. Brown, John. 2022. “Put Phones To Good Use.” In The Integration of Digital Devices in Today’s Classroom, edited by Robert L. Green, 78-91. Boston: Pearson Education.
  3. Davis, Emily. 2020. “Cell Phones: Ban or No Ban?” In The Digital Debate: Tools vs. Distractions in Schools, edited by Michael Roberts, 52-66. London: Oxford University Press.
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Should Phones Be Allowed in School? Balancing Pros and Cons. (2023, Aug 17). Retrieved from