Should Huckleberry Finn be Taught in Schools

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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Is it wrong that Mark Twain used the word “Nigger”? Many black African Americans very upset from the author using Nigger in the story because they think that it’s racist and disrespectful towards the way they used the “N” word. Nobody should ever call any black person out by the color of their skin.

Yes, it’s wrong and disrespectful to call any black African American person a nigger because that’s not what their parents named them when they were born.

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Nigger doesn’t have to be used for anybody in that term of being a black person. But the way Mark Twain was growing up he might have heard people around him call the slaves niggers because of the color of their skin.

The color doesn’t mean anything to nobody. There shouldn’t even be books like that being published about black African Americans like that because it’s rude and disrespectful. Yes, I get upset that the fact that me being a black African American student has to listen to my teacher go on and on about my culture of people that’s just like me. But it teaches education to black and whites. Nigger doesn’t always reflect on a black person.

Not everybody thinks that Huck Finn shouldn’t be removed because it’s only what the author has heard and seen. In fact, other students have their own opinions about the Huckleberry Finn book. It shouldn’t be used as a type of term such as racist because not everybody takes the book serious as the black African American culture. Just look at it like your very sensitive about simple things and you want to know how to not let things such as slavery. Think about how others felt when they first read the beginning of the chapters and boom it hurts your feelings because of the way the author may say,” the N” the wrong way.

Huck Finn should be removed from the reading lists for any kind of students and adults to read. It shouldn’t be allowed to any public schools all over the United States. Huck Finn gets judge every day by people because the way it was written or maybe they just didn’t like the book. Looking back at the video we watched in the class told us how each student felt about the book and the way they saw it such as it may be a racist book or a book to teach what the author saw.

It was basically about should Huck Finn be removed from the reading list. It just shouldn’t be on bookshelves for any public schools. It’s alright for a public library to have that book but in schools no it doesn’t be allowed in schools. Most students don’t really like Huck Finn because it was kind of wrong to any kind of racist. People take things to the heart and they look at it like they don’t like there skin color culture or they just hate the way we became when growing up.  

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Should Huckleberry Finn be Taught in Schools. (2021, Jun 12). Retrieved from