Psychology of Self-esteem

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Relentless competition and technological modernization drive individuals to excel in today’s fast-paced society. This quest for supremacy often involves seeking rapid achievement without the necessary hard work. Consequently, this race has fostered impatience, materialism, and a pervasive sense of inadequacy among people. The absence of self-worth can lead to heightened stress, depression, and an inability to realize one's potential, often resulting in reduced tolerance in various situations and relationships.

Understanding Self-Esteem

Self-esteem, as defined by Sam et al. (2010), reflects an individual's relationship with themselves and others.

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It is a personal assessment of one's capabilities and value within society. Positive self-regard can enhance one's self-esteem, while negative perceptions can diminish it. Research by Rosenberg (1965) and Fennell (1997) suggests that individuals who view themselves as valuable societal members tend to have higher self-esteem compared to those who perceive themselves as less useful.

Self-esteem is crucial for navigating life's challenges and achieving happiness. It involves confidence in one's ability to think, learn, make decisions, and adapt to change (Simon & Schuster, 1997). For instance, university students often face significant pressures, and those with higher self-esteem are more likely to cope effectively, showcasing resilience in the face of adversity.

The Interplay of Life Satisfaction

Life satisfaction is a key aspect of psychological well-being, focusing on positive human attributes. Diener & Diener (1995) assert that life satisfaction emphasizes the cognitive aspect of subjective well-being, concerning individuals' happiness. Unlike satisfaction in specific contexts, life satisfaction encompasses one's overall contentment with life (Wilson & Peterson, 1988). It is closely linked to both physical and mental health (Melendez et al., 2009).

A study by Özlem Tagay on contact disturbances, self-esteem, and life satisfaction among university students found a significant positive correlation between self-esteem and life satisfaction. This correlation is further supported by studies by Dilmaç & Ek?i (2008) and Rey, Extremera & Pera (2011), highlighting that individuals with higher self-esteem tend to experience greater life satisfaction. This relationship suggests that by fostering a positive self-view, individuals can enhance their overall life satisfaction.

The Role of Gratitude

Gratitude, defined as a sense of appreciation and wonder for life (Emmons & Shelton, 2002), is a personality strength that involves recognizing and valuing the positive aspects of life. It encourages individuals not to take good things for granted and to appreciate even the small joys (Emmons & McCullough, 2003). People who exhibit higher levels of gratitude tend to experience increased happiness and health, along with decreased feelings of loneliness, depression, and frustration.

Seligman (2002) describes gratitude as a response of thankfulness and joy to receiving a gift, whether tangible or intangible. Numerous empirical studies have shown that gratitude correlates with higher self-esteem (Li et al., 2012; Kashdan et al., 2006; Strelan, 2007). Theoretically (Hermans, 1992; Mack, 1983) and empirically (Kong & You, 2013; Kong et al., 2012b; Sedikides et al., 2004), self-esteem contributes to life satisfaction. Therefore, gratitude likely enhances life satisfaction by fostering a greater sense of self-worth.


In summary, the intricate relationship between self-esteem, life satisfaction, and gratitude highlights their collective impact on an individual's well-being. High self-esteem empowers individuals to face life's challenges with confidence, contributing to greater life satisfaction. Meanwhile, gratitude enriches life by promoting a positive outlook and reducing negative emotions. The current research, focusing on university students, underscores these connections and proposes that fostering self-esteem and gratitude can significantly enhance life satisfaction. By understanding and nurturing these qualities, individuals can lead more fulfilling, resilient, and content lives.

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Psychology of Self-esteem. (2019, May 20). Retrieved from