School Bullying from the Teacher’s Point of View: how to Prevent Bullying

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Katarina Majcherovas, Zuzana Hajduovas and Marek Andrejkovics article 'The role of the school in handling the problem of bullying', published in Aggression and Violent Behavior in 2014, discusses what teachers should do when they encounter bullying in the school. Bullying is investigated from perspective of the school in the article. Firstly, it has become more common and is a taboo today and teachers often do not want to admit that occurs in schools. The article introduces together various options to prevent it such as co-operation with social workers.

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In my opinion the writers of the article had diverse ways to concern with the case for the school perspective.

The article discusses what is the role of the school to prevent bullying, how to interfere it with different programs. Bullying is complicated from a teacher's point of view because it often happens when the teachers are not close, it is important to look from many different levels and perspectives further there is always a need to interfere with it and must be reduced at schools still another it has a big impact on the wellbeing of a student. To prevent bullying, collaboration with many parties is significant, basically good cooperation can make changes.

The article produces a few extraneous opinions firstly many teachers think that bullying cannot be prevented as it has always been and will always be and secondary it is difficult to detect through other students as many supports the bully so that they will not be bullied and lastly it is a victim fault that he is bullied. Majcherova, Hajduová and Andrejkovic relate that violent models were found in the behaviour of second-level pupils of elementary school according to the results of the statistical survey such as the students locking each other in the rooms and kicking and breaking school's property, also they have their own experience who substantiates that pupils who are aggressive have a poor self-esteem and have behaved aggressively for many years. Pupils who cannot concentrate on school bully more and are often absent of school (Rigby 2007).

In my opinion, it cannot always be connected that bullying and aggression are connection or children who cannot concentrate on school bully more because often bullies are those who are the best students in the classroom in the eyes of the teachers, moreover for this reason, many teachers do not see reality of bullying because bullies know how to perform very well what they are not.

There are several issues that teachers must give attention, in the first place is observe pupils who destroy other school books, next the teacher needs to take notice to the pupils' bruises for which there is no reasonable explanation, and the children's who select as the last group work also taking social workers into the school could help solve problems and they are more cooperative, for example, with the police according to Majcherova, Hajduoava and Andrejkovic.

Social workers at school might be a good idea, but the problem may be that children may not have the courage to approach them and tell their problems apart from workers are actively engaged in daily activities with children. Majcherova, Hajduoava and Andrejkovic discusses that observing children is a marvellous manner to solve tough issues but however, must be pinpoint accuracy and definite about own observations to manage avoid misapprehensions. Divergent anti-violence programs in schools occurs in the article, and they have identical elements in each, but the implementation methods are dissimilar, it contains anonymous questionnaires, school area monitoring, preparation and implementation of a school program and in the end publicise the problems of bullying and violence and confer it throughout the school. Majcherova, Hajduoava and Andrejkovic relate in their article on the Declaration of Equal Opportunities, which imposes the criteria for behaviour at school and relates what students are expected to do.

According to the agreement all cases of bullying will be monitored, and all pupils will be made clear what is allowed in the school community and what is not. When this program commences must take a lot of things into consideration such as to drawing up a program take a lot of time and from both teachers and parents of children, furthermore the article contains imprecise information of program. Alternatively, imprecise of the program affords each school together the opportunity to establish its own program against bullying it follows that everyone has possibility construct a program owing to it would probably be better abiding by when it was done in cooperation. Majcherova, Hajduova and Andrejkovic throws into relief method refers to Prosecuting-Advocating-Judging method which significance is make the pupils solve the problems by themselves additionally this manner inflects valuable in dealing with obstructing bullying then pupils can get preparedness their future when they learn these at school.

In my opinion, there may be a gamble that children will solve their problems with each other, because many bullying issues are extremely personal to the bullied and the children do not yet appreciate so much, for example, professional secrecy or at all that issues should not be retail secondly Majcherova, Hajduova and Andrejkovic bring forward many different ways to prevent bullying, which on the one hand is good that are different options, but on the other hand it may be impeded if more research is conducted that there are more options available. Article relates international cooperation aimed at forwarding positive relationships and exterminating violence, endeavour construct the world without bullying (Pepler & Craig, 2008). Most importantly is to essay to generate a world where bullying and violence would be extirpating nevertheless it is easier say aloud than execute, it demands good plans and a lot of work moreover it is not simple issue.

Majcherova, Hajduova and Andrejkovic affords marvellous examples to preventing bullying in schools, they have collect list of how schools should approach bullying and aggression, firstly the whole school must be conscious of bullying, secondly school needs to advance a strategy against bullying that take part into school function also must create meaningful regulations and update them regularly and the rules should be as positive as possible, next maintaining a good atmosphere and affording a pleasant environment. In addition, teachers need to be professional and must be regularly trained more and specialists excoriate the fact that the school's activities are chiefly restricted procurement scientific and technical information, while personality and values are left behind (Majcherova, Hajduova and Andrejkovic 2014).

The article refers to how to efficiently inhibit bullying in the classroom, the first issue is teacher must construct functioning classes, second must use reliable techniques, then relaxation techniques are marvellous also enhancing pupils' self-confidence and finally teachers must be able to concentrate on the new students. Majcherova, Hajduova and Andrejkovic emphasizes early cooperation with children whenever possible as it reduces bullying and enhances relationships between children and they bring forward that there must be efficient punishments and arguments for them, to begin with a child who has misbehaved, could to start afresh and repair the mistakes, secondly the children must be never adjudge but the misdemeanour must be adjudge, next there must be one valid punishment for every bad deed and then the punishment will be conversed together with the teacher and the children's family, however, if it is acknowledged that the measure has no impact, it must be changed and lastly there must be a list of undesirable behaviours that everyone knows.

It is true that a child should not be punished, and everyone could improve their habit, but on the other hand, where is the limit, how much child may behave badly before the punishment comes. 

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School Bullying from the Teacher's Point of View: How to Prevent Bullying. (2021, Jun 16). Retrieved from