More than half of the people under the age of 25 in society have experienced bullying. Bullying is a major problem in society today. Bullying is the beginning of major problems in life. Bullying is a major problem in society because it is the most common cause of suicide, it makes kids not want to come to school, and it can cause health issues.
Bullying is a major problem because it is the most common cause of suicide. When a child is bullied, they feel as if they are not good enough.
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Order now They even sometimes feel as if it would be better to be dead, than to stay alive and live a miserable life of intolerance. Kids who are bullied are also very likely to experience depression and anxiety, which in many cases leads to suicide. There are at least 18 recorded cases of students who committed suicide because they were bullied. Bullying should be stopped because a child shouldn’t have to end their life because of their differences.
Another reason why bullying is a major problem is because it makes kids not want to go to school. When a child is bullied, they do not see school as a safe place to be. They miss a lot of school because they are scared of what might happen to them if they go. Approximately 160,000 teens skip school every day because of bullying. Skipping school because of bullying turns into dropping out. 1 in 10 students drop out of school because of bullying. They want to feel safe at school but they can’t because the school doesn’t know that it’s happening because of bystanders who just let it happen and don’t say anything. If a child doesn’t go to school, it also affects their education, all because they were being picked on because they weren’t like everyone else.
Another reason why bullying is a problem in society is because it can cause health issues. Bullying can cause health problems because bullying can lead to drugs, eating disorders, and mental health problems. Bullying can also cause someone to have frequent headaches, stomach aches, and trouble falling asleep. There are many health issues related to bullying. Bullies don’t realize how much damage they are doing while picking on someone. They probably never even think about how it affects that person’s health or what they’ll do to themselves because of them.
Bullying is a major problem in society because it is the most common cause of suicide, it makes kids not want to go to school, and it can cause health issues. Bullying needs to be addressed and ended. This society should be no place for bullying. Pulling someone down will never help you reach the top.
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