Personality Typing

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Updated: Jun 20, 2022
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Personality psychology is one of many different braches of psychology. One theme that is prominent within psychology- and popular culture- is grouping personalities into subcategories. Some personality tests are casual- such as the ones about what kind of dog you are. Others are more serious, and are used in both professional psychology and workplaces, such as the Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator, The Enneagram Test and the Big Five Personality Test (Ways Type Can Be Used.) All of these personality type tests have one thing in common- they seek to help people understand more about themselves and others.

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Of all of the aforementioned personality type tests, the Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator is one of the most popular. This test, in popular culture at least, relies on 8 different characteristics that make up a whole personality type.

The first of these categories would be extraversion vs introversion. People who are extroverts get their energy from interacting with other people. Persons who are extraverts are more likely to enjoy activities such as parties and large social gatherings. Furthermore, people who are extraverts seek out external stimuli. Introverts, however, tend to do the opposite of this. An excess of external stimuli can overwhelm an introvert. When an introvert experiences an overwhelming situation, they will likely need to recharge afterword. This “recharging” will typically involve doing some type of activity in relative solitude.

To continue, the second part of this personality typing is sensing vs intuition. People who favor sensing over intuition tend to have a stronger focus on the “real world”, and are frequently seen as more “practical” people. These people are the people who focus on the “here and the now.” They pay attention to what is happening in front of them. They will then use all of this information to form a conclusion. Intuitive persons, however, see things in a way that is opposite of this. Those who rely on intuition look for the big picture first. They’re the people who come up with theories, and try to draw connections between the events happening around them. Because of this, people who are intuitive may be seen as having ideas that are absurd or not practical to those who don’t share a thought process similar to theirs.

The third of the categories is feeling vs thinking. People who prefer the feeling function make decisions primarily using their feelings. This means that said people are more likely to be swayed by an emotional commercial, or to share their feelings with others. This does not mean, however, that people with a feeling function are completely illogical. In contrast, those who use a thinking function make decisions using more logic than emotion. These people are mostly looking for what works best in terms of systems. However, this does not mean that those who rely on a thinking function are devoid of emotions- it just means that they aren’t as willing to show them, and they don’t let those emotions weigh as heavily on their decisions.

Finally, the last of the categories is judging vs perceiving. 

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Personality Typing. (2022, Jun 20). Retrieved from