Technology and Generational Differences

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The technological differences between generations have become increasingly evident, particularly in the context of the workplace. Kathryn Tyler, a Generation X freelance writer and former HR generalist, explores this dynamic in her article, "The Tethered Generation." Tyler argues that the millennial generation, marked by perpetual connectivity to parents and reliance on technology, faces unique challenges in professional settings. The essay will examine Tyler's central thesis, explore the nuances of her arguments, and critically analyze the implications of technology on millennials' responsibilities, communication, and decision-making skills.

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The Impact of Technology on Responsibility

Kathryn Tyler begins her article with a narrative that illustrates the growing dependency of young people on technology. This dependency, she argues, has led millennials to gradually drift away from their own responsibilities. She employs vivid examples, such as the concept of "helicopter parents," to demonstrate how technology facilitates constant parental involvement in their children's lives. Tyler's use of examples like Kate Achilles effectively highlights the contrast between millennials and previous generations, who were often more self-reliant. This generational shift is crucial to understanding the broader impact of technology on millennials' personal and professional lives.

In the context of the workplace, Tyler suggests that the constant availability of technology has hindered millennials' ability to develop independence. She notes that older generations, who eagerly sought independence, struggle to comprehend millennials' reliance on parental guidance and technology. By focusing on this generational divide, Tyler emphasizes the importance of adapting workplace strategies to accommodate millennials' unique needs. Her argument is supported by research indicating that technology has influenced millennials' brain development, particularly in areas related to planning and decision-making.

Communication and Decision-Making Skills

The technological differences between generations also extend to communication and decision-making skills. Tyler argues that millennials, who grew up with email, instant messaging, and cell phones, have developed distinct communication styles that differ from older generations. This shift has significant implications for the workplace, where effective communication is essential. Tyler cites a 2006 research report on Generation Y's work ethic to support her claim that technology has affected millennials' reasoning and decision-making abilities. She highlights neuroscientific findings that the prefrontal cortex, responsible for these skills, continues to develop into the late teens and early 20s. This ongoing development, coupled with heavy reliance on technology, poses challenges for millennials as they navigate complex professional environments.

Tyler's observations underscore the need for employers to adapt their training programs to address these challenges. She suggests that companies should offer training on research skills and writing, as modern technological conveniences have diminished the necessity for hands-on engagement with many tasks. This recommendation aligns with her broader argument that millennials require tailored support to thrive in the workplace.

The Role of Helicopter Parents

A significant aspect of Tyler's argument is the role of helicopter parents in shaping millennials' experiences with technology. She describes helicopter parents as those who hover over their children, providing constant guidance and support. While this involvement can offer new freedoms, it also limits millennials' ability to develop self-reliance. Tyler contends that companies must implement policies to manage the influence of helicopter parents, as this is an essential consideration when preparing for the millennial workforce.

Tyler's discussion of helicopter parents adds depth to her analysis of the technological differences between generations. By examining the interplay between parental involvement and technology, she provides a comprehensive understanding of the challenges millennials face. Her argument is further strengthened by her use of explicit examples and credible sources, which enhance the article's persuasiveness.


In conclusion, Kathryn Tyler's "The Tethered Generation" offers a compelling analysis of the technological differences between generations, particularly in the context of the workplace. Her arguments effectively highlight the challenges millennials face due to their reliance on technology and parental involvement. By examining the impact of technology on responsibility, communication, and decision-making skills, Tyler provides valuable insights for employers seeking to adapt to the needs of the millennial workforce. Her article is well-structured and supported by credible evidence, making it a valuable resource for understanding the complex dynamics of generational differences in technology use.

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Technology and Generational Differences. (2021, May 10). Retrieved from