Technology Addiction

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Technology Addiction

This essay will address the growing concern of technology addiction. It will discuss the symptoms and causes of addiction to digital devices and the internet, its psychological and social impacts, and strategies for managing and mitigating compulsive technology use. On PapersOwl, there’s also a selection of free essay templates associated with Addiction.

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In the last 10 years, the overuse and addiction to technology with screens such as handheld electronic games, laptops and computers, portable tablets, and most prevalent, smartphones has erupted creating an epidemic. These almost guarantee that one will never spend a minute completely focused and apart with society and reality. Studied work with adolescents and the youth in a variety of health clinics, households, and programs that help transitions, a pandemic has been recorded of emotional disorders caused by screens and overuse.

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Such disorders generally come from disproportional usage causing solitude and seclusion from society and one’s surroundings, emotional and collective delays, as well as unhealthy relationships, and a failure to mature. The outcome is a generation of teenagers and early adults who do not have age applicable collective emotional and social skills to maintain the expectancies and social normalities of an early adult. As well, screen-based addictions can cause an inability to control oneself in a productive manner and the failure to create personal and ‘authentic’ human relationships, forming a possible waterfall leading to other harmful and inescapable disorders. Lastly, screen-based addiction can also promote or annoy and exhaust specific personality disorders. Women in adolescence, specifically, have been seen and observed to creating and forming relationships at an accelerated pace online and becoming distressingly enthused in possibly unfruitful, dangerous, and fake relationships.

Numerous variables are supporting this course of emotional dysfunction caused by screens and the overuse of them.. Similar to most extremely addictive activities, the pace of usability and settings of accepted use are huge factors that cause the widespread epidemic of screen-based addictions. Since the technology of small handheld screens is taking the place of handwritten media and replacing it as the normal and accepted form of communication. The youth and adolescence have growing high levels of access to activities that involve a screen whether it is a small handheld device or a large flat screen to even one on a watch. It is important to note that, the technology itself is somewhat the cause and the one that is guilty of this burst of technology addiction. In addition, the youth and no0t yet matured adults tend to have problems pertaining to developing their own identity and all the issues that come along with that. Communication utilizing handheld technology gives them access to ‘experiment’ new identities/behaviors in a private or inaccessible way before one chooses who one is when faced with a very close and personal relationship. This often can cause delays in a real developing and healthy identity that one forms for themselves. It is simple to presume usual behaviors for healthy behaviors. Just because everyone around oneself is taking part in a certain activity doesn’t directly support that it does not have deliberate consequences. Possible problems can come apparent from an excessive use of screen technologies usually coming from mass amounts use causing solitude and isolation, unfruitful and “normal” personal relationships, emotional and social hold-up, for example, immaturity and inability to socially perform.

Because of the hidden, secretive nature of screen-based technology, adolescents and young adults are also able to fulfill their need for thrills and rule-breaking, so there is often a high incidence of high-risk or illicit online activity in this population. The outcome is a generation of adolescents and young adults that a large majority of them do not have the expected emotional and social skills that would be age-appropriate. As well, screen addiction can cause a failure to have the ability to balance and maintain personal control. This is a disposition and inability to advocate and keep at bay, anxiety by resorting to mystical worlds which often causes the youth not able to create personal and up close human relationships. In addition, screen-based addictions can exhaust specific personality disorders. Focusing on women, they are noted to have a tendency in creating relationships very erratically online with strangers, which weakens their true social skills and their abilities to form long-lasting stable and healthy relationships in person and “face to face” relationships. These women tend to become extremely dependent upon these relationships in an unhealthy manner.

Parents and figures of authority can also unknowingly encourage the excessive use or wrongful use of technology and should pay more attention to this nation-wide problem. This is usually because screen technologies create an unbelievably easy and useful parenting apparatus. Parents with conflicting schedules, included with those that have their own emotional problems and disabilities or life stressors, tend to use this escape in an even greater excess to prevent the need to work with their child’s unusual and difficult tendencies and behaviors.

By the time a parent is suspicious of one of their children’s overuse of screen technology or an extended period of time that the technology is being used, it is normally safe to assume that it is! by this mark, a parent should usually know and or believe, and gain an understanding that they are in authority and have the power to act upon it. No matter if the child is in their youth or adolescence or young adulthood, and even if the child is living in-dependantly at home. Parents should not feel the need to have to give permission and excuse their children with the privilege to have access and ore in their possession a cell phone, laptop, portable tablet, computer, television, and etcetera. But no matter what the adolescence, teen, young adult own, their own personal screen using tools or are giving permission to use and share family technologies, parents and others that assume an authoritative figure, they should limit and discourage an excessive usage time spent on screen technology. Especially if their child is not capable or has not been taught the useful and almost vital skill of self-regulating one’s time and the ability to do it effectively and in a healthy manner. Placing technology in an easy to use and open setting is a good and encouraged way for parents and other authoritative figures to be able to monitor the child, teen, or young adult. Some good examples of such places are the main room, kitchen or some other place that offers easily visible activity. These places are good because the family tends to spend time together in these places. Another tactic or method to help monitor and limit overuse of screen-based technology is if screen abuse accumulates to a mark where you are suspicious that it is definitely out of control and is causing harm to your child’s maturation and other things, search out help from a professional. A psychologist or child therapist with a background and record of treating addictions can be helpful in an assessment of a child’s problems and situation. They will be able to offer useful and accurate guidance methods and certain treatments that can mend or even fix the given situation.  

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Technology Addiction. (2021, May 11). Retrieved from