Older Generation and Technology

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 Having technology since a young age and a perpetual connection to parents, the millennial generation exposes with new challenges to the workplace. Kathryn Tyler is a Generation X freelance writer and former HR generalist and trainer. She has written business-related articles for the past twelve years. In her article, The Tethered Generation, She uses strong vocabulary and clear format to analyze her article about technology has great impacts on the modern generation. Kathryn Tyler’s “The Tethered Generation” opens with a short narrative providing an example and parallel to her initial claim: an example of the modern dependency of children on their parents paired with modern technology that allows college students to call home whenever guidance or assistance is needed.

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She shows this by arguing that since the reliability of technology, millennials have slowly started to drift away from their own responsibilities.

The author further shows this use of extreme examples to support her argument when uses parents who hover, or helicopter, over their kids. She uses people such as Kate Achilles in order to show how youth are far too dependent on their parents when many other generations could only depend on themselves in order to connect to the readers. Parents have always tried to connect to children into adulthood and the introduction of technology, while making it easier to do, did not revolutionize this occurrence. Tyler’s article presents her argument and reasoning allowing her article to be read with a clear and organized structure. With Tyler’s background in human resources and training and her proclamation of being a member of generation X, Tyler shares her observation that millennials entering the workforce are tethered to technology, which in turn affects their work, communication, and decision-making skills in and out of the office.

Tyler starts off her article with a narrative example of how young people are transitioning to depend on technology as they grow up. She uses a unique writing style to portrayed her claim. She effectively convinced the reader to know the comparison of older generation and modern generation technology use. It’s important to understand new technology for new generation. “Older generations that couldn’t wait to proclaim their independence can’t comprehend this generation’s need for parental guidance and influence.” She focuses on the significance of the main point in her article. “To prepare for millennials, it’s important to understand how cell phones and computers have changed their brain development, the enormous role their parents play in their lives well into adulthood.” She mainly focuses on millennials in the workplace. She intends that readers should understand how technology has an effect on millennial generation where they rely too much on technology. Tyler was the first generation to use new technology.

It’s background information of Kathryn Tyler and she included personal experience. “They are the first generation to use e-mail, instant messaging (IM) and cell phones since childhood and adolescence.” Tyler uses bullet point to help audience to identify the important facts. Especially as millennials born since 1985 begin to show up in the workforce, HR professionals and psychologists are just beginning to see what effect the constant “tethering” to technology has had on the way millennials work, communicate, make decisions and interact. Kathryn Tyler provides an efficient resource to prove her point on technology. She uses a 2006 research report on Generation Y’s work ethic to support her argument that technology has caused youth. In her article, she says that researchers report that technology has an effect on millennial generation on reasoning and decision making. “Scientists once believed the brain was almost completely formed by age 13. But, in the past two years, neuroscientists have discovered that parts of the brain-specifically the prefrontal lobes, which are involved in planning and decision-making—continue to develop well into the late teens and early 20s.” “The prefrontal cortex is important for decision-making, planning, reasoning and the storage of knowledge.” She explained how technology has impacted youth. “That means millennials’ brains are still developing reasoning, planning and decision-making capabilities while they are depending heavily on technology.”

Tyler justified her claim about technology. Many of our parents want to help us become more independent. “ On the one hand, this arrangement gives the adolescent new freedoms. On the other, the adolescent doesn’t have the experience of having only herself to count on.” She goes in brief details about Helicopter parents. “Policies to manage helicopter parents aren’t the only preparation companies will need to consider for the millennial generation.” “The Tethered Generation”, is very clear for readers to structurally visual with her use of examples. She talks about how youth highly adept with technology. The impact on employers: You’ll want to offer training on the basics, like research skills and writing, since modern technological ‘conveniences,’ including the Internet and spell checkers, have eliminated the need to be hands-on with many tasks. In conclusion, Kathryn Tyler has effective point and cited reliable resources to help reader understand what she wants to say. Tyler’s explicit argument, which effectively appeals to her audience’s perception of millennials, is supported by an appeal to ethos she uses credible professional to support her argument. Her arguments are effective toward reader. She provided reader examples of some people that technology has changed people from generation to generation. Overall, Her articles were organized, well-formatted structured. 

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Older Generation and Technology. (2021, May 10). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/older-generation-and-technology/