Martin Luther King’s Idea of Nonviolence

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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As a scholar, Martin Luther King pondered regularly his comprehension of nonviolence. King was first acquainted with the idea of nonviolence when he read Henry David Thoreau’s Essay on Civil Disobedience as a green bean at Morehouse College. Having experienced childhood in Atlanta and saw isolation and bigotry consistently, King was entranced by declining to participate with a detestable framework. (Martin Luther King, 1).

In 1950, as an understudy at Crozer Theological Seminary, King heard a discussion by Dr. Mordecai Johnson, leader of Howard University.

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Dr. Johnson, who had as of late ventured out to India, talked about the life and lessons of Mohandas K. Gandhi. Gandhi, King later composed, was the main individual to change Christian love into an amazing power for social change. Gandhi’s weight on adoration and nonviolence gave King the technique for social change that I had been looking for. (Martin Luther King, 1).

King’s thought of nonviolence had six key standards. Initial, one can oppose malicious without falling back on viciousness. Second, nonviolence looks to win the fellowship and comprehension of the adversary, not to embarrass him (Martin Luther King, 1). Third, fiendish itself, not the general population submitting malicious acts, ought to be restricted. Fourth, those focused on nonviolence must be eager to endure without striking back as enduring itself can be redemptive. Fifth, nonviolent opposition maintains a strategic distance from outside physical brutality and inward savagery of soul too: The nonviolent resister won’t shoot his adversary as well as will not abhor him. (Martin Luther King, 1). The resister ought to be roused by adoration in the feeling of the Greek word agape, which signifies “understanding,” or reclaiming cooperative attitude for all men (Martin Luther King, 1). The sixth guideline is that the nonviolent resister must have a profound confidence later on, originating from the conviction that the universe is in favor of equity. (Martin Luther King, 1). Amid the years after the transport blacklist, King became progressively dedicated to nonviolence. An India trip in 1959 helped him interface all the more personally with Gandhi’s heritage.

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Martin Luther King's Idea of Nonviolence. (2020, Sep 23). Retrieved from