My Experience with Friends in a Foreign Land: Embracing New Beginnings

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Updated: Aug 14, 2023
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My Experience with Moving and Cultural Adaptation

Overall, moving out of my childhood home was not only painful since I had to leave my memory behind, but it also helped me to develop the capacity to accept and appreciate different cultures as well as develop useful socialization skills. The fears were slowly turned into joys by clinging to the positive things found in the new environment. The gradual change was important in the sense that it enabled me to be cautious of the new environment as well as deal with my past pleasures.

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Since change is inevitable, I was able to settle and find happiness in the USA.

Connecting with Friends: Technology and Emotional Transformation

Advancement in technology is another thing that positively brought a happy attitude after the change in my environment. Since the USA is well developed, I was able to use my free time to connect with my friends. In so doing, the sad mood which had characterized my initial fear started to fade slowly after constant contact with my friends. After some time, I was able to appreciate myself and love my new environment. The technology additional helped me to find new friends. Furthermore, access to the internet helped me to continue being aware of all things which were taking place in Egypt. This was crucial in ensuring a smooth transition between my home in Egypt and my new home USA.

On the other hand, the change in the environment brought some positive impacts on my life in various ways. First, the USA is one of the most developed countries in the world. Therefore moving to this country enabled me to anticipate the potential the country had for me. This enabled me to overcome my initial fear and adapt faster. The chance to meet people of diverse backgrounds is another positive thing brought about by the change in environment. I was able to meet people of various religions, races, and backgrounds. The exchange of information and experience made me have a broader look at humanity in general. Skills such as critical thinking have been shaped in the process.

Challenges and Adaptation: A Roller-Coaster Experience

Finally, I experienced challenges trying to adapt to different climate conditions.  Egypt is located within the Sahara Desert. The climate there is generally hot. Since it is located within the equator, the climate is relatively constant. Seasons such as summer and winter are not common. When I moved to the USA, the climate was directly opposite. Surviving a season like winter proved to be a challenge, especially during my initial stay in the country. Second, I had to adapt to some cultures of the new environment, which is the U.S., something that I tried as possible to oppose at first. The most challenging for me was to make new friends. I am a person who takes time to study first. The culture of the USA was new to me. Centrally to what was in Egypt, I found the USA to be more economically advanced. Therefore, some of the things I enjoyed traveling with my friends were limited due to the large population and sophisticated transport system. The other thing which made me change to have a sad attitude was the nature of foods and drinks. The traditional food I had been brought up enjoying was no more. I had to accept and adapt to new kinds of foods and drinks. I have learned to adjust to the new environment, and the whole experience has been a roller-coaster for me.

Embracing Change and Reflecting on Growth

First, on the side of sadness, I had to leave my childhood friends back at home and learn to socialize in a new environment where everything was different, including the people I came along with. The isolated nature I once felt was unbearable. The games I once loved to play began to fade my memories. Initially, my social environment was made up of my immediate family. The nature of work and school made it hard for us to spend time together. This meant that most of the time, I was on my own. This experience was directly opposite to what I had been brought up in. Back at home in Egypt, we were close to our neighbors, and most of the time, even after our parents went to work, we would spend time playing various games. Since I took time before I made friends in the United States, there was always in me a place that left me yearning for social goings and identity.

Change is inevitable, and when it comes, we are subjected to adjust our ways of doing things to fit into the new environment or situations at our disposal. The many changes we are subjected to face in our lifetime include relocating to new places. Changing our environment may be associated with either positive or negative impacts, all of which depend on our perception of the new environment. Individually, I have encountered various changes in my lifetime, like having to change my childhood residence. Although I did not prefer to live in my birth land, I had no other option since my parents were relocating from Egypt to the United States, and I had to come along with them. Changing my living environment from Egypt to the United States was characterized by sadness and happiness in equal measure.


  1. Green, E. F. "Adapting to New Climates: A Study of Immigrant Experiences." Environmental Psychology

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My Experience with Friends in a Foreign Land: Embracing New Beginnings. (2023, Aug 14). Retrieved from