My Experience with my Teacher

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My Experience with my Teacher

This personal essay will explore the author’s experiences and reflections as a teacher. It will cover the challenges, rewards, and valuable lessons learned in the classroom. The piece will discuss the impact of teaching on personal growth and the influence teachers have on their students’ lives and learning. PapersOwl showcases more free essays that are examples of Behavior Modification.

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My experience with my teacher in primary school who inspired my love for the English language has been a pivotal influence on my career aspirations. As I apply for the position of an English educator at the Catholic University, I reflect on how this inspiration has shaped my teaching philosophy and commitment to education. I hold a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Language from Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt, a degree I chose to fulfill my lifelong dream of becoming an English teacher.

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This journey began during my first year of college when I discovered my passion for teaching while volunteering as a Sunday school teacher for girls aged 10-14.

The Spark of Inspiration

The realization that I possessed a natural talent for teaching dawned on me early in my life. My experience with my teacher during primary school ignited my passion for teaching and fostered my love for the English language. This inspiration was not only about learning but about the profound impact that a teacher can have on students. Witnessing firsthand how my teachers transformed the lives of my friends instilled in me a desire to build similar relationships with future generations. I aspired to be a source of inspiration, love, and guidance for young minds, helping them navigate their educational journeys and encouraging them to reach their full potential.

Cultivating Skills and Experience

Over the years, I have honed my teaching skills through various roles and experiences. For the past five years, I have worked as an English teacher in Egypt, gaining valuable experience in private schools and learning centers in Cairo. A letter of recommendation from one of these institutions, attached to my application, attests to my dedication and effectiveness as an educator. My experience with my teacher during those formative years has guided me in developing patience, adaptability, and a student-centered approach to teaching. My interpersonal skills, including patience and the ability to remain calm under stress, have been crucial in managing diverse classroom environments and meeting the varied learning needs of my students.

Adapting and Growing as an Educator

My journey as an educator has been a continuous process of adaptation and growth. Working as a teacher aide in Australia for the past three years has significantly influenced my teaching style and broadened my understanding of different educational systems. Observing teachers from prep to grade 6 has provided me with opportunities to expand my repertoire of teaching strategies and deepen my appreciation for diverse educational practices. This experience has been instrumental in refining my ability to adjust and modify study materials to meet students' educational needs effectively. It also reinforced my commitment to lifelong learning and professional development, which are essential components of my teaching philosophy.


In conclusion, my teaching journey, inspired by my experience with my teacher, has been marked by a steadfast commitment to fostering a love for learning and nurturing the potential of every student I encounter. My experiences in Egypt and Australia have enriched my teaching skills and shaped my approach to education. I am dedicated to creating a supportive and dynamic learning environment where students can thrive, drawing on my passion for teaching and my ability to connect with students on a personal level. As I apply for this position at the Catholic University, I am eager to bring my skills, experiences, and dedication to teaching excellence to this esteemed institution.

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My Experience With My Teacher. (2019, Jun 10). Retrieved from