My Dream to Become a Doctor – Pursuing Excellence in Family Medicine

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My Dream to Become a Doctor: A Journey Begins

Having been through the clinical rotations, bone-breaking hard work, and extended hours of study for shelf assessments and boards, I know I ‘can’ be a doctor because I can sacrifice my own physical and mental comfort for the sake of patient care. I can rise above tiredness and exhaustion to run for a Rapid Response and at the same time get the calmness and yet the agility to run a code. I know I can be a doctor because I can separate myself and my life from the patient and care for him/her in the most effective way.

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Roots of My Passion: My Early Life and Ambitions

Growing up in the village of Faisalabad, many people around me had few resources, were not well-educated, and were afraid to dream of a different life. However, I always had an ardent desire to study and learn, and even as a small child dreamed of being a doctor. I simply loved human biology and always wanted to comprehend why people had pain and why some had to suffer from chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes or arthritis. I believed in my heart that I could help people feel better, and that spurred me on. The support of my family and the successes I have had so far are the first steps in achieving that lifelong dream.

My Future Career: The Foundation Years in Medical College

The challenges of living in an underdeveloped area never dampened my spirits or deterred me from my goals. I went to a boarding school, which taught me the value of discipline, hard work, and perseverance. During this time, I was exposed to many students from all over the country, something that has steered me to appreciate and respect the diversity of various cultures. I, however, vividly remember the blissful moment when I got accepted to Sargodha Medical College. The satisfaction and sense of achievement associated with it was absolutely amazing. At Medical College, not merely was the flame of my childhood desire to help people improve their health rekindled, but everything I studied filled me with amazement and wonder.

Clinicals, Observership, and Beyond: Exploring the Facets of Family Medicine

During my clinical rotations, I have seen patients confide in their doctors about their most personal problems. The sensitivity and implied trust within this doctor-patient relationship seem crucial for a definitive diagnosis and treatment. My rotations in medicine reinforced my choice of profession. What fascinates me about Family Medicine is the interaction with a diversity of patients in complex clinical situations as well as the dynamic nature of disease management that constantly grows and changes with medical research and evidence-based medicine, which ensure a lifetime of learning. It keeps my interest alive and my curiosity ablaze.

To pursue Family medicine being practiced at its best and to keep up with the advancing world is what allured me to the US healthcare system. Having once adapted to an unfamiliar culture and a code of behavior to survive and fit in, I have gained confidence in my ability to serenely seek solutions even in unexpected scenarios, taking cues from my surroundings and finding ways to contribute. Shadowing different physicians has helped me comprehend the significance and importance of healthcare and quality treatments provided by a family physician. It has also refined my interactive skills with numerous patients and my work ethic and has facilitated me in developing a rapport with the ancillary staff. From a volunteer to clinical observership, my relationships have enriched and disciplined me, and by observing and exploring the different relationships in health care, I have gained a more comprehensive view of Family medicine. Through my experiences, I have proven to myself that I will fight alongside my patients through their ups and downs because I have overcome my own.

I want to be a physician who is not just a physician’ but be’ a physician’ who strives to provide the best possible health care to his patients and integrate work ethics in his practice of Family medicine. I look forward to a robust and challenging training program that will give me the knowledge and technical skills to become the best person and physician I can be.

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My Dream to Become a Doctor - Pursuing Excellence in Family Medicine. (2023, Jul 31). Retrieved from