From Patient to Healer: my Path to Becoming an Family Nurse Practitioner

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Updated: Sep 03, 2023
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Discovery and Inspiration

At the age of thirteen, I had an allergic reaction and was taken to the Emergency Department. While I was being evaluated by a health care professional, I noticed that she had Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) written on her name badge instead of M.D. or D.O. She diagnosed and treated me with a lot of empathy. Her enthusiasm for medicine and medical knowledge impressed me so much that I immediately developed an interest in the FNP profession.

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This interest was cultivated further when I volunteered at clinics and non-profit organizations. I was fascinated with the way physicians, nurse practitioners, and registered nurses practice medicine. They all work together as a team with one goal of providing high-quality health care.

During college, my schoolwork load and full-time job were tormented enough, but I always found ways to serve our community by volunteering. Volunteering at clinics allowed me to get hands-on experience in the field of medicine. Under the direct supervision of physicians, NPs, and RNs, I learned basic knowledge of patient assessment, EKG, and various other procedures. This solidified my decision to pursue a career in the medical field so that I can also become a valuable asset to the community.

The Journey of Professional Growth

I instigated my dream by taking one step at a time. I enrolled in the Licensed Vocational Nursing (LVN) program. While attending this program, I was fortunate enough to volunteer at a local non-profit organization via school, which served underprivileged people. After attaining my LVN license, I worked as a charge nurse at a skilled living facility. Although this job provided me with skills and knowledge to serve others, I craved to learn more and broaden my scope of practice. I applied and was accepted into an RN program in Idaho. Moving away from home was not an easy task, but I knew that this would move me one step closer to my dream of becoming a FNP. After finishing the RN program, I started working as a Dialysis Registered Nurse. Through my work, I have established strong connections with patients and their loved ones.

Vision for the Future

I have never hesitated to take the extra time to talk to them and their families, answer their questions, address their concerns, and provide holistic care. I would like to pursue my career as an FNP. I see the FNP program as an opportunity for me to fulfill my medical and social responsibilities. I am eager to face the challenges, and I accept the uncertainties that come along with being a Family Nurse Practitioner. There will be many sleepless nights, but I would not have it any other way. I am eager to enjoy the privilege of working with the human body and influencing its growth, recovery, and development. I chose Family Nurse Practitioner because I understand the importance and the need for the early treatment and prevention of diseases. This is especially true for underserved and impoverished areas. I adopt the position that a lot of disease complications can be prevented if individuals are educated about the steps that they should take to lead healthier lives.

As a Family Nurse Practitioner, I will have the unique opportunity to work with individuals to prevent their need for more advanced medical treatment; this is something that I am passionate about. I am aware that many people do not have access to adequate healthcare. I look forward to providing respectful care to my patient’s needs, preferences, and values. I am also looking forward to hearing from the selection committee about my application. I hope you will give me a chance to fulfill my dream by considering me to join your college. Thank you for taking the time to read my personal statement.


  • American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). (2019). Role of the Nurse Practitioner.
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From Patient to Healer: My Path to Becoming an Family Nurse Practitioner. (2023, Sep 03). Retrieved from