How did the Lightbulb Help Society: Dreams, Invention, and Impact

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Updated: Apr 30, 2024
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How did the Lightbulb Help Society: Dreams, Invention, and Impact

This essay explores the historical development of the lightbulb and its profound impact on society. It traces the journey from the initial dreams and inventions of pioneers like Thomas Edison to the widespread use of electric lighting. The overview discusses the technological advancements and the societal changes brought about by the lightbulb, including extended work hours, improved safety, and enhanced quality of life. It also examines the broader implications of electric lighting on industrialization, urbanization, and modern lifestyle. The piece aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how the lightbulb revolutionized the world and continues to be a symbol of human innovation and progress. On PapersOwl, there’s also a selection of free essay templates associated with Dream.

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The Power of Dreams and the Lightbulb’s Significance

Orison Swett Marden once said, “All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers.’ Anyone who has achieved something great had a dream first. An immaculate example of a person who had a dream was Martin Luther King, who said, “I have a dream!” This very dream changed the views of people and made them stop and think. With his dream, he was able to stand up for what he believed in and change society.

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This is why we need dreams. They give us hope and give us the power to change things for the better. Dreams are what motivates people and keep them going through the hard times. We dream of something better, such as having a successful job and a family that motivates us to succeed in achieving our goals. However big or small a dream is, they still matter as they bring sense into the lives of many and they give purpose; Thomas Edison and the Wright Brothers made their dreams come true and have had a big impact on our world. Without these dreams, the lives of many would be empty.

From Imagination to Invention: Thomas Edison’s Vision

Throughout childhood, kids are encouraged by parents to have big dreams. Many imagine themselves as astronauts or even the president. Others wish they could change the world to make it a better place. A select few who continue to dream big succeed at their far-fetched goals. History demonstrates that dreams can come true. The lightbulb is a significant invention in the history of mankind. People can now easily see in the dark with a flip of a switch. The lightbulb inventor, Thomas Edison, was a big dreamer. Edison was unlike anyone during his time period; he dreamed of a world where light came from electricity rather than fire. Having a dream is not so simple; you must achieve goals to complete your dream. Edison did not simply make a functioning lightbulb on his first try; he had many experiments. There is trial and error, where you keep working on your goal until it has succeeded. A person must work hard to make their dream come true. This invention brought Edison fame and recognition; to this day, he is well known for his accomplishment.

Dreaming to Soaring: The Wright Brothers and Airplane Transportation

Like the lightbulb, airplane transportation has changed the history of mankind. Traveling by plane is one of the fastest modes of travel. The Wright brothers of North Carolina were the first to fly in this new invention. They imagined a world where people could soar the skies and created today’s world where a major mode of transportation is via plane. Both Thomas Edison and the Wright brothers dreamed in order to accomplish their goals. Dreaming does have its challenges, and even Edison (who failed many times) and the Wright Brothers (whose first flight crashed after mere seconds) had to deal with difficulties. What makes dreams and goals more valuable is the journey a person takes to get there. It would not be as valuable if someone simply handed it to you. Having put your own blood, sweat, and tears into a certain project adds value because it has been made by yourself.

Dreams, Goals, and Change: Unleashing Potential

There are many people who are afraid to dream because they fear that they will not be able to succeed. No matter how big or small a dream may be, they are very valuable. These men were able to change history by dreaming. Dreaming and having goals are valuable because who knows where they’ll get you. We need dreams because they give us hope and they give us the power to change things for the better. With hard work and determination, one is able to accomplish their dreams.


  1. Marden, O. S. “All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers.” Quote attributed to Orison Swett Marden.

  2. King, M. L., Jr. (1963). “I Have a Dream” Speech. Delivered on August 28, 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.

  3. Edison, T. A. The Dreams of Thomas Edison: Electrifying the World. Biography and contributions of Thomas Edison.

  4. The Wright Brothers: Inventing the Airplane. Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.

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How Did the Lightbulb Help Society: Dreams, Invention, and Impact. (2023, Aug 14). Retrieved from