Hard Work: Nurturing Success through Perseverance and Passion

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Updated: Aug 24, 2023
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Hard work can lead to success for most of us. Hard work is a big part of everything you do, like basketball. Kobe Bryant worked all day and night to make the NBA, and even when he made it, he still practiced 24 hours a day, so hard work can help you do what you want to do. Through hard work, we gain experience, which helps us discover many new things. Experience boots problem solving-nature in a person.

Hard Work and Its Role in Achieving Dreams

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It says that “Thomas Edison, the inventor of the lightbulb, failed 10,00 times before actually inventing a lightbulb that worked.” This means that Thomas Edison never gave up, and with all his hard work, he eventually led to the light bulb being created. Spud, a famous NBA player, said that he must have missed thousands of dunks before successfully conquering the rim. He is saying he kept trying to dunk the ball a lot of times and eventually got it, and then that led him to win the 1986 dunk contest.

Studying and working hard from a young age can make it so you get better at what you are practicing. Studying from a young age can help your talents grow because you’re playing the game at a very young age, which leads to you getting better as you get older. It says, “If you started training a child at the age of three and really started focusing on something by the age of 6. They would be good at it their whole entire life.” That’s what Laszlo Polgar believed. He did it with his eldest daughter, Susan, and he became one of the best chess players in the world. If one of your siblings is really good at something, or your father’s good at something, your daughter or siblings tend to pick up on whatever it is, which makes them really good at it because they are inspired.


Sometimes, all you need is a talent. For example, it says ‘That Tiger Woods was playing golf at the age of two, and Stevie Wonder was recording songs at the age of 12, and none of them had practice.” They were all natural. If you are a prodigy, it more likely that you will be successful it says the someone who is a prodigy “is a person with a higher-level working memory than most. Only one in five to 10 million people can tell you. What makes a prodigy? The rest of us must rely on hard work ethics.”


  1. “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” by Angela Duckworth


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Hard Work: Nurturing Success Through Perseverance and Passion. (2023, Aug 24). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/hard-work-nurturing-success-through-perseverance-and-passion/