Money is the Key to Happiness: Exploring the Complex Relationship
Money’s Role in True Happiness
One of the begging questions people spend plenty of time analyzing is whether money can bring true Happiness. The premise of this question is hazy, however. Just like anything in someone’s life, money can bring true Happiness. Mentioning the fact that money won’t automatically bring Happiness to fruition is vital as it pertains to this topic. There are a variety of aspects in one’s life that helps determine whether or not they will be happy.
The question at hand, in this case, is if money can bring true Happiness. The key word in this question is “can.” If the question were to be, “Will money bring true happiness?” my response in this essay would begin with a much different approach. I strongly believe that money can bring about true Happiness, as having money: results in many aspects of life being significantly easier. It is critical to raising a family as most people intend to raise families during their lifetime, and having the finances to support this is necessary, and lastly, money has the capability to bring true Happiness the fact that it helps free up one’s time. It’s noteworthy to understand that money does not ensure true Happiness, rather that it has the ability to bring someone true Happiness.
The Ease That Comes With Money
Life comes easier in a variety of ways when someone has a comfortable amount of money for themselves. I found an interesting article in the Student Edge News that demonstrates, “Just because money makes life easier doesn’t mean it makes life better. Going down the cheap path in examples like backpacking will provide a far more interesting and adventurous trip than living luxuriously and staying in only the nicest places.” The first line in this statement simply mentions that money does indeed make life easier but doesn’t necessarily make life better. It seems as if most people have a common understanding that money makes life easier. Another piece of this article states, “Think of it like this: You can buy a gold-plated, diamond-encrusted car worth millions, and you would be getting exactly what you paid for; a car with a small fortune of treasure embedded into it. This purchase may inspire envy in others, but I doubt it would make your life any more personally meaningful.” This depicts the idea that, yes, while money is nice, it doesn’t necessarily make an individual happier. It’s vital to ensure that there is meaning behind money and how it’s spent, which is what I find that this statement demonstrates. Furthermore, there are ways that money simply makes life easier. One particular way I find money makes life easier, which is worth mentioning, is that it pays the bills. Paying the bills and doing so on time is a common worry for a lot of people who are either supporting just themselves or their families as well. Without financial stability, it’s difficult for people to meet the cost of their bills, or it is tough to do so in a timely manner. When someone is able to pay their bills without worry, life comes at an easier pace. It creates one less thing to worry about, relieving both pressure and anxiety as well.
Money’s Significance in Family Life
The financial requirement needed to raise a family is also a source of Happiness. When an individual has enough or more than enough money, they are capable of raising a family and providing for them generously. From personal knowledge and experience, I find having a comfortable financial situation to be highly beneficial for raising a family for multiple reasons. Having money gives people the ability to raise their children in a better neighborhood and nicer environment, as well as allows parents to send their children to better schools, providing a better or privileged environment. I did some more research on school environments and the impact it has on students. The New Hampshire Department of Education shares an article that speaks upon this topic. It says, “Studies have shown that student achievement can be affected either positively or negatively by the school environment.” The article also goes on to mention all the specific ways a school environment can be enhanced. To elaborate on this quote, having money gives students the opportunity to be put in better school environments, which, as mentioned in this article, is a significant factor in ultimate student achievement. I wanted to dissect the concept of achievement and why it has a common belief to be a driver of ultimate Happiness. The Chief Happiness Officer Blog includes an inspirational set of words that go as follows; “Happiness lies in the joy of achievement, the thrill of creative effort. The human spirit needs to accomplish, to achieve, to triumph, to be happy.” What these inspirational words demonstrate is the role that achievement plays in bringing Happiness to fruition.
Buying Time with Money
Although money doesn’t always buy Happiness, it typically buys time. Having money gives people the ability to pay for goods and services, which commonly frees up significant amounts of time. Being able to pay for services such as a maid gives an individual extra time by diminishing something he/she would otherwise have to do themselves. Being financially stable also provides more opportunities to purchase already-made food at restaurants. While this is often more enjoyable than eating at home, it is also another way for someone to free up time. By having money to spend freely on already-made foods, the need to make food is diminished. I did further research into a study published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that suggests, “When people spend money on time-saving services such as a house cleaner, lawn care or grocery delivery, it can make them feel a little happier.” This particular finding mentions that these time-saving services can actually increase one’s Happiness, which I definitely find to be true.
The common query of whether money can buy true Happiness ultimately falls within a grey area. There are a variety of ways in which money can bring unhappiness, which needs to be acknowledged. I believe in such a thing as too much money and money falling into the wrong hands. Having money takes a significant amount of responsibility required, and isn’t always easy to manage. Despite this, after examining the concept that money can buy Happiness, one can look at all of the time, family support, and ease that only money can buy. With these capabilities that are all driven by having comfortable amounts of money, it’s actually quite easy to see how money can bring true Happiness. When looking at this question in its most simple context, I think people will come to the realization that money most definitely can buy Happiness, although it doesn’t guarantee it.
Works Cited
- Alexander. “Happiness in Achievement.” The Chief Happiness Officer Blog, 12 Dec. 2007,
- Aubrey, Allison. “Need A Happiness Boost? Spend Your Money To Buy Time, Not More Stuff.” NPR, NPR, 28 Aug. 2017,
shots/2017/08/28/545839192/need-a-happiness-boost-spend-your- money-to-buy-time-not-more-stuff. - Warren, Caydee. “Does Money Make Life Easier or Harder?” Student Edge, 16 Aug. 2017,
- “Why School Environment Is Important.” Skip Navigation,
Money is the Key to Happiness: Exploring the Complex Relationship. (2023, Aug 14). Retrieved from