The Concept of Diversity Among Various Groups

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The concept of diversity among various groups emerges from culture, nationality, gender, ideologies, and even political stands. Realizing the deep connection of the issues that trend at international institutions involves examining the way people interact and how they treat the occurrence of scenarios within the environment. Issues of unrest on college campuses have emerged from time to time on the basis of differing religious opinions, cultural diversity, race, gender stereotypes, and other factors that contribute to conflicting issues.

The reality of society includes exploring the dynamic features each group of individuals exhibits and realizing the need to embrace one another in the unique ways each exists.

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Natural diversities cannot be ignored across gender, race, culture, nationality, and religious grounds since they have been in existence for years and years since human society came into existence. College campuses comprise students who possess different backgrounds and faiths in relation to various subjects. In recent years, issues about cultural appropriation have risen where some groups assimilate practices from the minor composition of fellow learners in terms of traditional ways of living in various contexts. It has caused a lot of issues, including riots, personal life adjustments to fit in the environment, and even low self-esteem where appreciation lacks on cultural norms. The subject of campus life and cultural diversity raises concerns and explores more than what many people imagine and experience in other locations. The world has changed significantly, with cultural diversity embracing forums now run in many organizations.

Respecting the beliefs and customs of fellow students on campus is associated with a lot of factors. There exists different opinions on the extent that diversity has disrupted personal and group peace of mind within college zones in many nations. Global missions to talk about and expand the knowledge about cultural richness and sovereignty have reached a substantive level where many individuals understand and respect dynamic traditions and norms (Eze 15). However, among scholars, there are elements of disagreement on why some individuals abstain from particular lifestyles, claiming their culture does not spell out or condone such habits. The lack of courtesy, for instance, has victimized Muslim girls who detest certain dress codes due to their traditional veils and hijabs at all times. Cultural appropriation engages dignity and personal identity as key values to cultivate in matters of culture-specific features, but at times, they lead to controversy.

The concept of cultural appropriation has remained key in campus life to fit into groups and societies that possess a given attribute. In the enlightenment about maintaining an original characteristic for embracing unique components, it has not worked that easily for university learners. This is considering the social groupings and alienation one faces for living a different kind of life (Matthes 344). The pressure to fit into organized social classes ends up robbing indigenous morals and practices to accommodate the urge to resemble or please fellow friends. Issues of fashion and the desire to fit in with a particular lifestyle contribute to isolation and rejection in terms of original values maintenance on campus. The practice and adherence to cultural appropriation concepts affect diversity, considering the attributes lost or misinterpreted in the process of assimilating a particular group’s lifestyle values. The case of Muslim American raised girls on campus explains the simple but copied lifestyle habits that distort and extend valuable marks accepted and adhered to as Muslim followers among friends. The booklet entitled “Muslim American Women on Campus” explores the context that the ladies exhibit to express their identity as much as possible. Maintaining identity in the large campus environment draws attention from both fellow Muslim followers and the diverse university community.

In discussing the issues encountered, the discussion centers on the attention the outside community pays to elements of dress and unique interaction schemes (Mir 708). Encountering scrutiny from family members of the Muslim faith and peers of different religions on campus is akin to being in a tower, with each group eager to identify any divergence in cultural or lifestyle practices. This involves a case-by-case analysis, with new students adopting the practice of head coverings and acting as if they are among the small minority of American Muslim women in an environment where such practices are rare. The act of cultural appropriation is a global concern, with both criticism and applause occurring on different grounds. The author focuses on common issues that occur in college, including dating, drinking, attending nightclubs, and dress code, and discusses how students adapt and cope within these environments. The practicality of learned behaviors can easily become apparent in complex environments like college, where outdated concepts or those still aligning with old-fashioned modes can be misinterpreted and negatively impact emerging fashion and style trends.

The inclusion of all races and ethnic groups creates a challenging environment in which to stand out and explore religious and cultural expressions as much as possible. For example, growing up in America and being exposed to the powerful influence of pop music can create the false belief that everyone should appreciate this form of entertainment, thereby alienating those who prefer different types of entertainment. The impact of diversity depends on the intention behind the appropriation. Using a particular dress code to showcase the beauty of a culture extends the act of embracing diverse values. However, the practice among college students to imitate minority groups sometimes raises questions, especially when these individuals fail to support the well-being of the original members and instead add discriminatory comments that harm the diverse group’s reputation (Eze 11). When a student adopts a specific costume, it can lead to misrepresentation of a minority group. Dominant cultures have often viewed minority societies negatively, which hinders the acceptance of unique identities. The tradition of organizing parties among college students and wearing blackface holds significant meaning for black students (Josh 2). Despite the intention to recognize the black community, these events can trigger emotional sensitivity due to the historical struggles of the black community, particularly in America. Simple actions can unwittingly create disparities by ridiculing and mocking the black community, causing concerns even in educational institutions where respect for diversity is expected.

Such occurrences can derail diversity initiatives, with certain nationalities perpetuating long-standing cultural and racial discrimination. Adopting a dress code similar to Diwali attendees without justification undermines the intended recognition and appreciation of the culture. Associating specific clothing, lifestyles, and foods with various college parties can lead to debates, possibly resulting in conflict over the significance of such items and practices, ultimately undermining diversity initiatives. The issue of appropriation raises many concerns, as not everyone assimilates aspects of a minority group to either mock or appreciate them. In diverse settings like workplaces or campuses, ethical standards are expected. Making comments that harm the well-being of a student from a different culture or creating offensive memes from their songs, dress codes, or food types are examples of negative appropriation attempts.

The subject explores both positive and negative implications along the lines of how and what is assimilated (Young 308). The adoption of a particular style in an environment where multicultural aspects are represented provokes different meanings regarding the reasons for selection and application in terms of timing and action in progress. Ethical standards, an important factor among learners, do not apply in most scenarios. Displaying intolerable tendencies to crack jokes about brands of products based on the country of origin constitutes regular behavior among students. Associating certain styles, music, and products with the country of origin intensifies the concerns of cultural diversity, especially certain clothing designs that align with a specific nation or region and are structured in an unappreciative manner. The increase in cultural appropriation has not solved diversity demands, implying that in many scenarios, those tolerating such engagements do so according to the stereotypes dominating society in regard to superiority and dominance by major cultural representations. The positive nature of appropriation in regard to culture depends on the impression created by the one copying a certain group’s cultural practice, artifact, or dress code, for it to be considered bad or good.

The issue of cultural appropriation on college campuses has occurred in many scenarios. Protecting identity and originality among students raises questions about copied lifestyle and other values. In terms of cultural appreciation, diversity needs support. However, different scenes present students who use cultural acts and materials simply to signal some element of identifying a certain group’s weaknesses, leading to controversy and conflicts. Limiting the negative implications created in some instances will serve as the best practice to support diversity in learning institutions.

Works Cited

  1. Eze, Michael O. “Cultural Appropriation and the Limits of Identity: A Case for Multiple Humanities.” Journal of Arrupe Jesuit University 20.1 (2018): 8-29. Print.
  2. Josh, Bhabika. “On Cultural Appropriation.” The Liberator Magazine (2016): 1-3. Print.
  3. Matthes, Erich Hatala. “Cultural Appropriation Without Cultural Essentialism?” Social Theory and Practice 42.2 (2016): 343-366. Web.
  4. Mir, Shabana. Muslim American Women on Campus. Print.
  5. Young, James O. “The Ethics of Cultural Appropriation.” The Dalhousie Review 301-316. Print.
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The Concept of Diversity Among Various Groups. (2021, Mar 05). Retrieved from