Media Bias in the News about the Russian Su-24 Fighter Plan Shot down on the Border between Turkey and Syria

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On November 24, a Russian Su-24 fighter plane was destroyed near the border between Turkey and Syria by Turkey for allegedly violating their airspace. Russia has disputed this claim, and various countries with their own political inclinations have reported on the event differently.

The Moscow Times of Russia released a remarkably brief report on the incident. They asserted that Turkey had justified destroying the aircraft because of airspace violation, but clarified that the Russian Defense Ministry disagreed with this claim. The Moscow Times maintained that the plane was still within Syrian borders when it was attacked.

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They also stated that the aircraft was hit with a missile fired from the ground.

The British Broadcasting Company (BBC) News had a different perspective. The BBC produced a more detailed report on the incident, providing viewpoints from both Turkey and Russia. The writer acknowledged Russia’s assertion that the plane had never veered from Syrian airspace, but also detailed the scenario surrounding the attack. They reported that two Turkish F-16 jets had shot down the aircraft after issuing 10 warnings that the pilot had breached Turkish airspace and needed to rectify this. They also noted the fact that the aircraft had been “unidentified” and that Russia had been previously warned to stop bombing civilian areas in Turkey near where the aircraft was destroyed.

The article also mentions “conflicting reports” on whether the Russian plane was shot down from the ground or from another plane in the air, illustrating both sides of the story. It also predicts the potential aftermath of this incident, making statements like “questions will also be asked about Turkey’s willingness to open fire” and “anticipate diplomatic fireworks.”

The media coverage on this incident in the United States was intense. The Boston Globe reported on it and its first sentence stated, “Two major powers… clashed with each other.” The article mostly focuses on the tension and conflict created by this incident between the two nations. It highlighted the past issues Turkey has had with Russia over Syrian President Assad and stated that neither country wanted to engage in war, so escalation was unlikely.

These three articles showcase different biases that each country has. The Russian article insisted their country was not at fault as it didn’t want its military to be perceived negatively. The British article presented both sides of the issue to appear impartial, though it leaned slightly more towards supporting Turkey, a NATO ally. The United States tried to maintain neutrality, while focusing on the drama created by the event, as that is what would draw readership.

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Media Bias in the News About the Russian Su-24 Fighter Plan Shot Down on the Border Between Turkey and Syria. (2022, Dec 17). Retrieved from