Turkey Drive for Families

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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Involved With Social Services

There have been considerable attempts by the Turkish government to enhance foster care. Foster care is a system initiated by the government that places minors into state certified caregivers, award, private home or group home where the minor is under the care of a foster parent.

For optimum care of the child, the government takes charge of all the acts that entail foster care. The placement of the child is either done with the permission of the government or a social service agency.

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As the act of taking care of the child can be very emotional, the caretakers are provided with counseling services so that they can take optimum care of the children.It is estimated that about 14,000 children in Turkey live in institutions and homes where there is no family to look after them. Although most of these children’s parents are alive, they are not able to take care of them for such reasons as psychological, physical and mental challenges. Sometimes it is due to social and economic problems. T

o improve this situation efficiently, the government has come up with a project which aims at keeping children with their parents whenever possible. Through the Ministry of the Family and Social Policy, the government also wishes to provide counseling and financial assistance to these families.

Consequently, the Turkish government has set elaborate plans for the families that are involved with social services. The Ministry has worked very hard to increase the number of foster families, as well as the quality of foster care. Interested volunteers, parents, and professionals are set to be trained adequately so that they can provide better services.

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Turkey Drive for Families. (2019, May 10). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/turkey-drive-for-families/