Levels of Leadership in the Army

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Updated: Dec 07, 2024
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Levels of Leadership in the Army

This essay will provide a comprehensive analysis of the various levels of leadership in the Army, from junior leaders to senior commanders. It will discuss the roles, responsibilities, and challenges at each level, as well as the skills and qualities required for effective leadership. The piece will explore how leadership in the Army is developed and cultivated through training, experience, and mentorship. It will also examine the importance of leadership in military operations and organizational effectiveness. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay illustrations related to Cognition.

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In the complex hierarchy of military organization, effective leadership stands as the cornerstone of operational success. The United States Army has developed a sophisticated framework of leadership levels that ensures seamless command and control across all echelons. This essay will explore three main different levels of leadership within the United States Army to drive the force. These levels are stated in ADP 6-22 (ARMY LEADERSHIP) and how they apply to today's armed forces. The types of leadership levels are direct, organizational, and strategic types of leadership.

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Understanding these distinct levels of leadership in the Army is crucial for maintaining operational effectiveness and ensuring mission success across all command structures. Also, in this essay, you will always be informed on how they are being utilized in the United States Army.

Direct Leadership

As the foundational element of Army command structure, the position of a military leader in the United States Army is to give motivation, purpose, and direction to subordinates and carry out any mission given to them by the higher echelon. Direct leadership represents the most immediate and personal level of military command, where leaders interact face-to-face with their troops and directly influence mission outcomes. As an Army leader, using the direct level of leadership is the fastest way to disseminate information to carry out any missions or tasks given. Leaders can also use the direct level of leadership when issuing out knowledge of training, standards, and policy. Direct leaders are responsible for building cohesion within the team and building policies and completing taskings. Nevertheless, as a direct leader, you must be able to work in the absence of orders and independently, within the commander’s intent.

Organizational Leadership

Building upon the foundation of direct leadership, organizational leadership represents a more complex and comprehensive level of military command. This intermediate level of leadership army structure is quite different from direct types of leadership. As direct types deal with one-on-one interactions, organizational leaders deal at battalion or even brigade levels. These leaders must master the delicate balance between tactical execution and strategic planning, requiring decision-making, communication and critical thinking skills to be able to operate at such a high level of organization. You have to have a good understanding of day-to-day operations so as not to interfere with daily missions providing essential knowledge.

Strategic Leadership

At the apex of the Army's leadership pyramid, the strategic level of leadership represents the highest form of command leadership in which this certain type of leader deals with division or department of defense level tasks. These types of leaders deal with resource relocation, strategic layouts, and division-level structure. These strategic leaders must have a certain type of flexibility and experience to excel in this role of the military. But with the added roles of strategic leaders, it can be mentally tough and physically draining. To the point of exhaustion, but that’s the reason that having the subcategories of strategic levels of leadership is essential to any mission value. Because in a time of war that’s when we need strategic leaders the most that have a wealth of knowledge on multiple battlefield scenarios and prior service time.

Army Leadership Requirement Model (ALRM)

Now what all these levels of leadership have in common is the (ALRM) ARMY LEADERSHIP REQUIREMENT MODEL. They come from this base model to guide leaders in the thought process. Of the direct, organizational, and strategic levels of leadership, all fall under attributes and core leader competencies. To break it down with the attributes category would fit mostly strategic levels of leadership as being a leader of sound judgment, domain knowledge, and mental agility. An organizational leader should have both attributes and core leader competencies to lead Soldiers. They should have certain military bearing, composition, and confidence skills to be able to run an organizational-level type of leadership.


The intricate interplay between these three levels of leadership - direct, organizational, and strategic - forms the backbone of the United States Army's command structure. Each level of leadership army command contributes uniquely to the overall effectiveness of military operations, from tactical execution to strategic planning. With the (ALRM) Army Leadership Requirement Model, current and future leaders are able to break down different types of leadership to better lead Soldiers. This comprehensive approach to leadership development ensures that the Army maintains its position as a premier fighting force, capable of adapting to evolving challenges while maintaining its core values and mission effectiveness. It is my professional opinion that understanding these levels of leadership will progress any skill level to the next level of leadership of all future Soldiers, Noncommissioned officers, and leaders. As we look to the future of military leadership, the continued refinement and application of these leadership principles will remain essential for maintaining the Army's operational excellence and readiness.

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Levels of Leadership in the Army. (2023, Aug 08). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/levels-of-leadership-in-the-army-a-comprehensive-analysis/