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Dear Mrs. Bisdorf

I chose teaching as my career because although it might be challenging the job at some point rewarding. Teachers hold the ability not only to influence change in the world but also improve it. Everyone in the world including great presidents, popes, athletes among others go through the teachers in their lives.

The teachers were a bit of inspiration to these great people as the career forms the labor of love. As a teacher, I will prepare the students with knowledge that will prepare them for college, university and even as adults in their careers.

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Over the years I plan to move up into administrative positions to assist school systems in planning and also influence curriculum development. Our society is facing a lot of problems our young people lack the necessary assistance in their careers and lives.

Students and the youth in general lack enough guidance or a person who can listen to them and guide them in the right direction. Other than education the teacher is a guide and a role model to the students. Most of the problems that the young people face today are different from the problems faced by the young people of the past generation and hence they need somebody they can express to and who will, in turn, guide them accordingly.

Students are indulging in drugs and alcohol due to inadequate guidance both at home and at school. Others are ending up committing suicide as a result of too much pressure from education, and life in general hence they need somebody who is listening and understanding to the student. As a teacher one has to endure long hours as one has to work more than eight hours during the school day.

Other challenges include summer offs as teachers fulfill their career developments. The purpose of the letter is for the promotion of teaching as a career to the students and other people who would choose to be role models and who would like to influence the societys behavior. For those who would like to teach the kindergarten and elementary school, they have to influence the children’s character as a very early age as they teach the students the basic personal knowledge, interpersonal relations, and study habits. Essential life skills are important to the students at the middle school level. At this level, the teacher will need to push the student a bit far but not too far just to keep them on track. Teaching requires a lot of resources.

This information can be retrieved from the books, magazines and the internet among others regarding the level the teacher is teaching. College and university teachers take a lot of time to research their topics before presenting to their respective students while the elementary and kindergarten teachers do not require a lot of research to deliver to the students. Some of the limitations of the teaching career include long working hours during school days as the teacher has to wake up earlier research and plan their teaching topics within the morning hours before classes can start.

After classes, the teacher will need to meet with parents, heads of departments among others which also consume a lot of time. At times the teachers even do not get the summer break as a result of work responsibilities.


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MY TEACHING CAREER. (2019, Aug 14). Retrieved from