Developing Leadership Skills

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Successful leadership is a constantly evolving skill set, particularly within the demanding environment of the Marine Corps. The life of a Marine leader necessitates constant adaptation not only to new environments but, most importantly, to the needs and expectations of fellow Marines. Building and sustaining effective relationships between leaders and their teams is crucial for fostering effective leadership and sound communication. Interaction serves as the cornerstone for these relationships. In the following paragraphs, we will delve into how the development of both personal and professional communication can significantly enhance the effectiveness and quality of life for Marine leaders.

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Professional Communication

The first and more widely recognized method of communication that a Marine leader must master is professional communication. Effective professional communication is not static; it requires continuous development and refinement. There are four primary tactics that can be instrumental in developing this form of communication: initial mentorship, follow-up mentorship, coaching, and counseling.

Initial Mentorship: The initial professional interaction between a Marine and a leader is termed initial mentorship. This interaction is vital as it builds the junior Marine's confidence in their leader. This initial meeting offers the leader an opportunity to set clear expectations and establish transparency, which is greatly appreciated by junior Marines. This interaction lays the groundwork for developing both professional and personal relationships.

Follow-Up Mentorship: Follow-up mentorship involves checking in with a Marine after a certain period following the initial mentorship. This interaction reinforces the perception that the leader is attentive and dedicated to the junior Marine's development. It strengthens the junior Marine's confidence in their leader and ensures ongoing alignment with expectations.

Coaching: Coaching provides guidance on conduct and performance. It offers Marines direction in executing their tasks effectively, fostering a sense of competence and reliability. Moreover, coaching enables leaders to cultivate subordinates they can trust, which, in turn, reduces the leader’s workload by fostering self-sufficiency among team members.

Counseling: Counseling is the final step in the cycle of professional development. It ensures Marines receive constructive feedback on past performance, helping them understand how their performance measures up to expected standards. By fostering an environment of constructive criticism, leaders can guide Marines toward continuous improvement.

Personal Communication

An often overlooked but equally essential aspect of Marine leadership is personal communication. Enhancements in personal communication can dramatically increase unit cohesion. Engaging junior Marines in conversations about their personal lives can be particularly effective. As individuals, we are shaped by our environments. Understanding a Marine's background can guide leaders in addressing issues sensitively and effectively. Asking personal questions, without prying, demonstrates genuine care for a Marine's well-being. A Marine who knows their leader is invested in their personal growth and well-being is more likely to reciprocate with loyalty and dedication.

Creating an environment where peers feel comfortable opening up can be challenging, especially in a hierarchical setting. Team-building exercises in relaxed environments, which incorporate friendly competition, can play a significant role in breaking down metaphorical barriers between leaders and subordinates. These activities encourage camaraderie and foster a sense of unity.

Another method for building strong personal relationships is understanding individual Marine’s thought processes and character traits. Recognizing that each person has a unique mindset allows leaders to make informed decisions about task assignments, leveraging individual strengths to enhance overall team performance. This understanding not only enhances productivity but also contributes to a more enjoyable and cohesive work environment, boosting unit morale.


Being an effective and compassionate Marine leader is undoubtedly challenging. However, by prioritizing the development of both personal and professional relationships, leaders can make their roles more manageable and rewarding. Successful leadership is a continuously developing skill that requires reflection and adaptation. By focusing on the growth and well-being of junior Marines, leaders can create an environment that fosters mutual respect and collaboration. In doing so, they not only enhance their leadership skills but also contribute to the success and cohesion of their entire unit.

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Developing Leadership Skills. (2021, Jun 28). Retrieved from