Similarities between Charismatic and Transformational Leadership

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As suggested by Jin (2010), transformational leadership integrates elements of empathy, compassion, sensitivity, relationship building, and innovation (p. 174). It fosters a climate of trust, nurtures employees’ confidence, and encourages their individual development. These collective motivations and practices are expected to pave clearer paths for employees’ innovative behavior. Transformational leadership excels at guiding employees so that they can devise improved systems, implement them, and direct their team’s activities similarly (Kanter, 2004).

In previous studies, transformational leadership appears to be the most critical factor influencing creative behavior (Lee, 2007; Pieterse et al.

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, 2010). This is because leaders play a crucial role in generating innovative ideas and facilitating innovation (Tushman and Nadler, 1986). Locke and Baum (2007) argued that leaders might thrive in uncertain situations and are generally more tolerant of complex issues. These facets of leadership inspire both leaders and their employees to remain creatively steadfast with the belief that their ideas will result in innovative outcomes. As stated by García-Morales et al. (2008a), the innovative behavior of employees involves seeking new opportunities or solutions to problems, fostering diverse ways of thinking, and embracing experimental viewpoints. More specifically, sub-dimensions of transformational leadership can significantly influence the innovative behaviors of employees. Transformational leaders often have a robust and contagious vision and serve as an appealing example of innovation (Eisenbeiss and Boerner, 2010). Similarly, Conger and Kanungo (1987) confirmed that transformational leaders frequently engage in innovative behaviors that often defy conventional norms (Keller, 1992). Hence, transformational leaders focus on their employees’ personal success and their own identities, creating an environment brimming with enthusiasm and fostering strong emotional bonds. Employees may subsequently adapt their self-identities, thus influencing innovative behavior (Eisenbeiss and Boerner, 2010; Kark et al., 2003).

Innovative behavior changes in the current business environment. In this context, organizations need individuals who exceed their defined job responsibilities, foster team collaboration, and support colleagues, managers, and clients (Gholipour and Sadat, 2008). Such behavior forms the basis of charismatic leadership. Organizations cannot continue to augment their efficiency without positive employee behavior (Jahangir and Hag, 2004). An organization’s ability to generate innovations is often crucial to its success. Being innovative is a significant determinant of an organization’s efficiency (Hult et al., 2004). As a result, organizational efficiency can be improved through technical and administrative innovation, among other factors (Llore’ns Montes et al., 2005).

Past research has examined the effects of innovation and creativity on organizational performance (Bowen et al. 2010; Gunday et al., 2011). It has been suggested that organizations with evolving charismatic leadership show higher levels of productivity and economic growth than those without (Cainelli et al., 2004). Charismatic leaders exude confidence; there’s no doubt about it. According to Entrepreneur, a charismatic leader rarely expresses self-doubt, and their captivating personalities attract people. Confidence in a leader builds trust, lending credibility to their words and encouraging others to follow their lead.

By cultivating a positive self-image, leaders create a welcoming work environment that encourages open communication. Among all the workplace motivators for employees, communication perhaps stands paramount.

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Similarities Between Charismatic And Transformational Leadership. (2021, Jun 28). Retrieved from