Issues of Social Constructs of Gender

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Gender issues are some of the paramount social aspects in different societies. There have been different views in different communities, where some of the societies profile the male gender to be superior, and the female gender is quite inferior and subject to the male gender. Gender reveal, and gender reveals parties are some of the current trends in gender issues that might portray some level of gender stereotyping. In some workplaces, are gender issues where one of the genders might be favored at the expense of the other gender.

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Social constructs in different environments define the operations of genders and the splitting of gender roles based on a person’s gender identity. The essay discusses gender reveal, gender inequality, birth and sexual orientation, gender identity and the ways in gender is a social construct.

Gender reveal one of the issues faced in different environments. In contemporary society, there are technological advancements that have enhanced gender reveals to ensure that the parents or some guests get to know the gender of their child before the child is born. Some of the people choose to hold parties during their gender reveals especially when a couple knows that their child would be of the gender preference the couple expected. Criticisms show that these parties depict some level of gender stereotyping and couples should be patient until their child is born and then they show the child love as both males and females have equal opportunities and people can accomplish much in life regardless of one’s gender.

Gender inequality is also another gender issue experienced in different societies. Gender imparity sentiments treat males and females unequally, as some of the contexts find one of these genders to be superior to the other gender. Gender Inequality treatment might come from cultural norms especially some retrogressive cultures in some of the rural societies (Tibesigwa & Visser, 2016). In some societies, men are regarded to be quite superior to women based on the societal roles that they play, which seems to undermine the potential of women. In some workplaces, there are also gender imparities, where one gender dominates the workplaces. However, societies need to understand that people have different capabilities, competencies, and experiences where they can perform various functions in their society without necessarily focusing on their genders.

The issues of birth and sexual orientation are also some of the topics covered quite extensively in different societies. Birth and sexual orientation are attached to biological studies quite intensely as sexual orientation arises from biological issues such as genes and hormones, although it might also occur from some social determinants. Issues of birth and sexual orientation determines from which gender that one has a sexual orientation towards or the kind of gender one is attracted to in the society (Dewinter, De Graaf, & Begeer, 2017). Sexual orientations define aspects of heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality. Most of the communities legitimize and concur with issues of heterosexuality, where one has attractions to the opposite gender or where one is considered straight. Although some of the topics such as homosexuality and bisexuality are reprimanded and felt like they are wrong, although movements such as the LGBT fight to ensure that all these people have equal rights as they complete the society and also perform vital roles in the society.

Gender identity is also another critical social element. Gender identity portrays the issue of a person’s sense of an individual’s gender. Gender identity further might correlate with a person’s sex at birth as some people grow up, their gender identity changes based on issues such as social influences (Tremblay, Gendron, & Malsch, 2016). Societies have different gender classes that might help one have his or her sexual identity. Some of the people are born to be either males or females, although when they grow up, they might be attracted to change their gender identity for them to feel that he or she has lived to their potentials and they fit into different social constructs in different societies.

Gender is a critical social construct in different societies. Gender is a social construct in society as through aspects such as cultural norms and beliefs. Gender has also been to construct the roles fit for males and females. Gender also seems to prescribe the appropriate or the ideal way that people should behave and what the society expects of a person based on his or her gender (Tremblay, Gendron, & Malsch, 2016). Sexual orientations and gender identities also seem to portray how his or her community would perceive one. The above reasons show that Gender is a social construct.

In conclusion, gender is a social issue that is a social construct that seems to define the way people should live or behave in society. Issues of gender reveal and gender inequality depict a certain level of stereotyping in different societies. Birth and sexual orientations also contribute quite immensely towards how one would be treated. Based on the above reasons, people should be judged based on issues such as experienced, competency and character and not be judged or discriminated based on their gender.


  1. Tibesigwa, B., & Visser, M. (2016). Assessing gender inequality in food security among small- holder farm households in urban and rural South Africa. World Development, 88, 33-49. Retrieved from: main.pdf?_tid=49d753c9-cd0f-4191-92f4 5f62c781bcc3&acdnat=1552200484_cb1fb5cbd850237251445198838224f1
  2. Dewinter, J., De Graaf, H., & Begeer, S. (2017). Sexual orientation, gender identity, and romantic relationships in adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 47(9), 2927-2934. Retrieved from:
  3. Tremblay, M. S., Gendron, Y., & Malsch, B. (2016). Gender on board: deconstructing the “legitimate” female director. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 29(1), 165- 190. Retrieved from: 2014-1711
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Issues of Social Constructs of Gender. (2021, Feb 24). Retrieved from