The Gender Bias in Law, Media, and Social Interactions

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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Gender inequality denotes unequal treatment or awareness of people based on their gender. It results from changes in socially built gender roles as well as physically through chromosomes, brain structure, and hormonal differences.

Prejudice may take different forms. It is direct when practices openly distinguish treatment on the basis of gender. It is indirect when practices do not make clear reference to gender, they include desires that advantage persons of one sex. Regardless that these gender differences exist in the way in which they communicate, influence, or lead, men and women have always been viewed as different and inimitable sets of people.

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Gender inequality still continues to exist in progressive industrialized societies, such as the United States, regardless of the overabundance of changes that work in counter to gender discrimination. These neutralize forces include economic reasonableness, changes to the legal system, liberal politics, and even women’s own efforts to achieve equal opportunities.

This research will focus on the approaches in Social Connections, figurative interactionism and ethnomethodology as well as abstract sub-divisions and readings such as psychosocial studies, conversational analysis and human-computer interaction between Men and women that domino effect in Gender Bias. To find the causes that create gender bias in Social relation and interaction, and to endorse some policy consequences. Additionally, the study pays attention to determining the root causes of pervasive gender discrimination against women and men in Social Interactions.


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  3. Hannah Dean, Gretchen Larsen, Jackie Ford, and Muhammad Akram, Female Entrepreneurship and the Metanarrative of Economic Growth: A Critical Review of Underlying Assumptions, International Journal of Management Reviews, 21, 1, (24-49), (2017).
  4. Mandy Wheadon and Nathalie Duval-Couetil, Entrepreneuring gender diversity in entrepreneurship through critical theory and reflexivity, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 9, 2, (188), (2017).
  5. Vidhula Venugopal, Investigating women’s intentions for entrepreneurial growth, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 8, 1, (2), (2016).
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The Gender Bias in Law, Media, and Social Interactions. (2021, Feb 24). Retrieved from