Invaluable Career Exposure

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Updated: Jun 20, 2022
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I am Applying to (X’ school program in Finance and Business Analytics) with a pursuit of a career in Data analyst that will help in participating in research and Development of a company. I initially became interested in Business Analytics due to my academic and social experiences. Now, I find the passion for analyzing business data with the aim to improve a company using that data. This interest came to me after working in many different industries. My Main goal was always to improve a company’s outcome.

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I believe this program is the best fit for my career goal as I show great interest in research and data-driven decision making.

I am interested in Business Analytics because data analysis has already helped me to identify opportunities for a business and make smart decisions that eventually create value for customers. I have always been fascinated by turning data into revenue streams. Working in different industries has gained me the required exposure to gain a deeper understanding of business analytics from an academic perspective. After reading a study about business analytics in performance management, I was compelled to find out more about business analytics as much as I can. I am convinced that I will appreciate studying more about business analytics because I am fascinated with business economics and I enjoy doing research.

Working in diverse industries is an invaluable career exposure with different clients, which has helped me to understand and assess my strengths. The same experience has helped me to appreciate the value of business analytics as the backbone of success for any business. My short-term goal is to specialize in business analytics before starting my career as an experienced consultant in a global company such as Microsoft or IBM. My long-term goal is to establish a consulting company to help small and medium enterprises to make smart decisions to grow their business by increasing performance using data analysis.

Interacting with peers and role models, I would learn more about business analytics and find opportunities to practice my skills in live scenarios as I prepare for my career goals. I feel that more professionals are becoming increasingly aware of the value of Business analytics and with a variety of experience, I will be able to expand the scope of my research by relating their respective backgrounds. I believe that my passion for research will help me to form more diverse and wider perspectives about the changing business world. I am determined to take up any challenge along the way and inspire my peers to be ready to the real challenges after graduation.

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Invaluable Career Exposure. (2022, Jun 20). Retrieved from