Natural Disaster Mitigation Approaches

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Natural disasters pose significant threats to human life, property, and the environment. As research by Tennyson and Diala (2016) indicates, these threats may continue to rise due to the increase in the average temperature of the oceans, a phenomenon closely linked to global warming. This essay explores the various facets of disaster preparedness and risk management, emphasizing the critical role of the construction sector in mitigating the effects of such calamitous events. By addressing the structural and strategic aspects of disaster preparedness, we can better equip communities and businesses to withstand the ravages of nature.

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The Growing Threat of Natural Disasters

Global warming is one of the primary factors contributing to the increasing frequency and intensity of weather events. As ocean temperatures rise, weather patterns become more volatile, leading to more frequent hurricanes, typhoons, and other natural disasters. These events not only cause immediate destruction but also have long-term impacts on sea levels and weather patterns, exacerbating environmental changes. Tennyson and Diala (2016) define disaster preparedness as the sum of all measures and policies adopted to address a disaster before it occurs and to mitigate or minimize its impact on human life. This definition underscores the proactive nature of disaster preparedness, emphasizing the importance of planning and resource allocation before a disaster strikes.

Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management

Disaster risk management involves a series of activities, processes, and policies designed to reduce the impact of adverse events on people, property, and the environment. This comprehensive approach entails preparing for disasters before they occur, enacting effective responses during and after such events, and facilitating recovery efforts. Risk managers advocate for the use of advanced technology solutions and hurricane management preparedness to help commercial property companies better prepare for future storms and decrease their risk of damage (Marlow, Slatter, & Wozniak, 2006). A thorough risk assessment process should include ensuring code compliance, coordinating with insurers, and collaborating with local, state, and federal agencies. Additionally, maintaining a detailed inventory of critical parts and suppliers, along with documenting property conditions through photographs, can be invaluable resources during recovery efforts.

The Role of the Construction Sector

Despite the predictable nature of most disasters, the construction sector has not been fully engaged in disaster risk management efforts. Bosher, Dainty, Carrillo, Glass, and Price (2007) highlight several key recommendations to enhance the construction sector's involvement. These include encouraging construction-related stakeholders to participate in Local Resilience Teams and Forums, integrating risk and hazard awareness training into the professional development of architects, planners, and engineers, and proactively embracing regulatory changes related to resilient construction requirements. The construction decision-making process must be thoroughly integrated with an understanding of how to avoid and mitigate the effects of emergencies and disasters.

Business Preparedness and Response

From a business perspective, natural disasters are an unavoidable reality, but effective risk management strategies can mitigate their impact. Establishing clear communication channels and emergency response teams before, during, and after disasters is crucial. Businesses should develop backup plans for temporary work sites and ensure that employees are well-informed through regular drills and rehearsals. These measures not only protect human life but also safeguard business operations and assets. By having robust policies and procedures in place, businesses can enhance their resilience and ability to recover swiftly after a disaster.


In conclusion, the increasing threat of natural disasters necessitates a proactive and comprehensive approach to disaster preparedness and risk management. By understanding the causes of these events and implementing strategic measures, communities and businesses can significantly reduce their vulnerability. The construction sector, in particular, must play a more active role in these efforts, embracing innovative practices and regulatory changes to build resilience. Ultimately, effective disaster preparedness and risk management are crucial for protecting human life, property, and the environment in the face of an increasingly unpredictable and volatile climate. Through collaboration, innovation, and strategic planning, we can forge a path toward a safer and more resilient future.

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Natural Disaster Mitigation Approaches. (2020, Mar 03). Retrieved from