How London and the Countryside have Changed

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How did London change from the 16th century to what we see today? London has set an example to the world by improving its standards to humankind, and they are the ones leading in various fields. London has dramatically changed in terms of sanitation, population, and education. Sanitation Sixteenth-century “In spite of persecutions, occasional insurrections, and the plague which devastated the unsanitary towns, it was a time of peace and prosperity” (Wright 3).

The city had faced a lot of economic and social problems and the plague added the devastation to the unsanitary town.

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After all the immense downfalls and challenges, the city was rebuilt with more proper planning, which created peace and prosperity. “Filthy conditions had become the norm in numerous gloomy courts and alleys” (Jackson 58). Crowded buildings and non-payments from the tenants, forced the owners to ignore the common areas of the building, which became a norm, the lack of sanitation and filth for the buildings around. Although the filthy London has survived through various obstacles, it has gradually improved over the years and set an example to the world for sanitation and infrastructure.

Twenty-first century “As has been often said, the very basis or foundation of the sanitation of a city is an efficient system of drainage” (Jephson 345). Having a proper drainage system reflex the city’s dedication towards cleanliness and public health. An improper drainage system can cause to generate diseases. “In many ways, then, the sanitary evolution of the great city was developing satisfactorily, though by no means so rapidly as was to be desired” (Jephson 291). The pace of people moving into the city was rapid and the government couldn’t cope up with the speed which led to unfulfilled desire. The economic development & trading was also one of the main reasons for the outburst of the growth in population. Population Sixteenth-century “It must have seemed to young Shakespeare that all the world had moved to this big city” (Wright 33). Many traders came from different parts of the world to do business in London which caused the streets to be crowded and populous. “The city was expanding physically to accommodate the influx” (Wright 34).

The city of London provided shelter to everyone by destroying walls for sufficient space and the countryside on the outskirts also became part of the town. As the technology upgraded, it made it easier to construct buildings and accommodate more people in London. Twenty-first century “As London is now surrounded by a green belt, in which new development is restricted, this population must be absorbed within its existing boundaries” (Moore 267). As the city was growing faster than the developments required, the authorities had to put a stop to it in order to constrain the physical growth. So they drew a line for the city limits and created green belts. “But from the beginning of the nineteenth century, the rural proportion has steadily diminished as towns have grown faster than the rural population”(Grigg 60).

More educated people were moving into towns to get a better life. Rural life was hard and had no opportunities due to the lack of basic facilities. As the population grew, the number of children also grew and the requirements for educational institutes were higher. Education Sixteenth-century “She is to learn but not to desire to learn too much” (Moncrief 7). Women were less educated and was restricted for higher studies. “Gender differentiation was to be the accepted aim of the education of the younger generation” (Moncrief 11). Women’s role in education was minimal and they had to be included into the educational system. The learning environment from the past to present days have boosted. Twenty-first Century “Various authors have described the growth of e-learning as explosive, unprecedented, amazing, and disruptive” (Garrison XI). The internet has transformed education to be cheaper for the whole world to be educated. “E-Learning can substantially enhance these process and outcomes” (Garrison 106). Online learning has increased in the recent century and has enabled people of all ages to easy access to education. The educational impact has made the world a better place to live in.


We have come a long way from the 16th century to the 21st century learning from our mistakes, and we have made the world a better place to live in. The value of sanitation, education, and population has been a part of our learning system to bring awareness in the society All the above topics signify the importance of day-to-day life and creates an impact on the future generation as well.

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How London and the Countryside Have Changed. (2021, Oct 19). Retrieved from