Brown V. Board of Education: a Historical Case that Changed the Course of History

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The Brown v. Board of Education was a historical case that changed the course of history. In the case, Oliver Brown-father of Linda Brown- argued that separate schools were unconstitutional because they violated the 14th amendment. The case took a major turn when it was brought up to the Supreme Court. It started with Linda Brown’s journey to her “all black” school, ruled in the favor of Oliver Brown and other parents, and altered the course of history.

Linda Brown was an African American girl who “could not attend a less-crowded white school a few blocks from her home in Topeka, Kan.

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” (United States Courts, Brown vs. Board of Education). Instead, Linda had to take a bus all the way across town to attend an “all black” school. The reason as to why Linda couldn’t attend a white school is because back in 1950, laws prohibited black students from attending a white school. This angered Linda’s father, Oliver as well as other parents and therefore they filed a suit against the board of education in the city of Topeka.
The case was brought up to the supreme court in December 1952 and spurred several arguments against the board of education. After several years and hearings, the courts ruled in favor of Brown as they ruled that segregation is unconstitutional. “Though the Court’s ruling applied only to public schools, its declaration that “separate” is “inherently unequal” served as a reminder that not only in schools, but in all aspects of life.” (Khan Academy, Board v. Board of Education.) This lone case changed the lives of many African Americans and in entirety, the world.

The Brown v. Board case was extremely big that many changes occurred afterwards. “On May 17, 1954, the Court stripped away constitutional sanctions for segregation by race, and made equal opportunity in education the law of the land.” (American History, Separate is not equal). African American education took a turn for the better; more students started earning college degrees. Changed were sweeping across the United States but the African Americans still had many hardships ahead of them.

The Brown v. Board of education case started with Linda Brown’s journey to her “all black” school, ruled in the favor of Oliver Brown and other parents, and altered the course of history. Linda’s father Oliver Brown took the opportunity that Linda’s journey gave him to file a suit against the board of education. Oliver was able to take the case all the way up to the Supreme Court and the judged ruled in his favor. The judges felt that separate but equal violated the 14th amendment. This lone case changed the way African American’s get their education as it took a turn for the better.


  1. “Bill of Rights.” Bill of Rights Institute,
  2. “Brown v. Board of Education Podcast.” United States Courts,
  3. “Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka.” Khan Academy, Khan Academy,
  4. Separate Is Not Equal – Brown v. Board of Education,
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Brown V. Board of Education: a Historical Case That Changed the Course of History. (2021, May 10). Retrieved from