Brown Vs. Board of Education Summary

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This landmark case began in Topeka, Kansas during the 1950s. This case was based around segregation in schools. Linda Brown’s, Family and many other families sued for their children because public schools were not letting them enroll in these schools because they only allowed whites. These kids didn’t have have many options. From Linda Brown´s house there was a white only school closer, but she had to go to the other schools for African Americans. There was a school close to their house but it was for whites only, so they couldn’t go.

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There were only four schools for African Americans. L?inda Brown and her family believed that the segregated school system violated the 14th Amendment and took their case to court. This case started to become huge because of how big of an issue it was people decided to fight harder and came out to support this issue. History The Thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments are known as the civil rights amendments. The 13th amendment abolished slavery. The 14th amendment allowed people born in the United States to be American citizens including African Americans. The 14th amendment also states that you could not deny African Americans anything that the whites could do they. Everyone had an equal protection of the laws. Lastly, the 15th amendment, prohibited people for denying anyone race or color from voting. In this case the 14th amendment was being broken by not allowing these kids to even enroll into these white schools. Since this was not allowing the same treatment as a white person they believed it was unconstitutional. In this period of time the practice of ¨Separate but equal¨ was still happening. Because of the plessy vs ferguson case. ¨At the time of the Brown case, a Kansas statute permitted, but did not require, cities of more than 15,000 people to maintain separate school facilities for black and white students.¨ Since Topeka had 15,000 or more people they allowed these schools to be seperate.

They law stated the schools could be separate but also they had to be equal. In which the african american schools were not equal to the whites at all. Results The courts had a lot to take into consideration. One thing being are the schools being separate but equal against the 14th amendment. Another is seperating people by race in busses, schools, and other public places actually unconstitutional. The courts believed that they were breaking the 14th amendment and it was unconstitutional. This case was the case that ended separate but equal. A year later, they decided to desegregate the schools and everything because of the unanimous ruling. “in addition to the obvious disapproving segregationists were some constitutional scholars who felt that the decision went against legal tradition by relying heavily on data supplied by social scientists rather than precedent or established law.” The courts decided to take away separate but equal as soon as possible. Desegregating everything at a very fast pace. Amendment violation The amendment that was said to be broken was the 14th amendment. Which states in section one, ¨All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.¨

This amendment granted equality to all people know matter the race. It also granted the people born in the united states are American citizens and they should get the same treatment as whites born in America. Not allowing this children into specific schools was depriving them for property. They were not allowing citizens of america into the schools which is violating their rights. Impact on future generations I picked this landmark case because it was the most interesting to me. Seeing especially our school and how diverse it is now. I could not imagine living in those days and the different faces being in different schools would be so different. I think that this case was very important to society. There still is some issues with racism but everyone is more accepting. I feel like the school segregation taught the kids that you can be better than someone because of your skin tone. Our generation and many other generations will mostly never think like that based on the diversity in the United states. The education system is also so different. Back then the white schools were getting way better education. The white schools would get the educated teachers and the better books. The schools for African american people were old and they would only get the hand-me-down books when they were all used up, and their teachers were not as good. Now, everyone gets the same education and everyone is treated as equally as possible. The teachers would get fired if they treated anyone like they did when this case started. This case showed the people that everyone deserves the same opportunities no matter the color of the skin color.

Work Cited

  1. “Brown v. Board of Education (1954).” Our Documents – Brown v. Board of Education (1954),
  2. Editors, “Brown v. Board of Education.”, A&E Television Networks, 27 Oct. 2009,
  3. “The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.” National Constitution Center – The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution,
  4. “The Supreme Court . Expanding Civil Rights . Landmark Cases . Brown v. Board of Education (1954) | PBS.” THIRTEEN,
  5. Tunes, History. “Learn American History through 50 Pop Songs.” History Tunes: 13th 14th and 15th Amendments,
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Brown Vs. Board of Education Summary. (2021, Mar 20). Retrieved from