Honest Friend: Building Trust with People you Call Friends

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Honest Friend: Building Trust with People you Call Friends

Exploring the importance of honesty in friendships. This essay will provide guidance on building and maintaining trust with friends, and discuss the impact of honesty on strong and lasting relationships. At PapersOwl, you’ll also come across free essay samples that pertain to Empathy.

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All throughout elementary, middle, and high school we have all gained and lost friends but only one remained by your side. That someone is your best friend. Someone that’ll be there for you, believe in you and make you smile no matter what. Even though there are challenges and fights along the way, you guys get through them because the bond that was created is unbreakable. I shine at being a best friend because I experience and express empathy for others, and my trustworthiness.

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To commence, I experience and express empathy for others. Empathy is the ability to understand what is going on with a friend, to recognize how he or she is feeling, and to interact and respond accordingly. The ability to be non-judgmental, which ties into empathy, reflects our ease in accepting a friend’s choices, regardless of how they may differ from our own. My best friend’s past relationships and her encounters with other people have affected how she has seen herself. The anguish, and heartache they caused her cut deeper than glass. She thought less of herself and felt as if she didn’t deserve to be loved or cared for by anyone because of how she was treated and talked to by her exes and who she thought where her friends. I aspired to change that. As her best friend it was my duty to be her confidant and her “knight in shining armor”.

Friends are people you can’t always trust?

Building trust is one of the hardest things to do with people you encounter during your lifetime. All people have dealt with this necessary aspect in their life at least once. People take chances and find ways to develop trust and build bonds with others over time. Anyone can have lots of friends, but a friendship starts with someone you can build trust, be honest, and be loyal with always.

Trust is developed overtime based off what actions a person shows you. A true friend you can share happiness and face hardships without being judgmental to you. They can trust you enough to admit their imperfections and faults without trying to fix you in the process. You must be true to and have respect for yourself before you can trust anyone else. Trusting someone who is very supportive and accepts you for who you are as a human being is the beginning of how you build a strong foundation with someone.If you can’t trust them, they’re not a true friend.

Honest friends are always loyal and trustworthy in any friendship. It’s very important because your word is your bond from the start. Friends will stick by each other’s side through thick and thin when they are honest with each other. It makes your moral and values of each other worthy. Even if the circumstances are complicated, the better decision is telling the truth. Honesty saves you from covering up hidden agendas and keeps you in a great friendship

A person who is loyal will always be someone you can trust always. It shows the value of them being a friend and how dedicated they are to you. Loyalty keeps a friendship going and plays a very important role. A true loyal friend will never betray you regardless of the circumstances. It’s important for a friend to display loyalty as one of the most prized qualities to help bind the friendship together. You can’t expect someone to give you loyalty if they can’t be honest or trust you. Even when friends disagree, you will still tell them the truth of the situation.

In conclusion, trusting the people you call friends is based on many strong factors. You must take into account which ones are more important to you in a friendship. I believe it will only work if you remain honest and loyal from the beginning. Then, the trust will always there and no one will question whether or not you’re a true friend.    

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Honest Friend: Building Trust With People You Call Friends. (2021, May 04). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/honest-friend-building-trust-with-people-you-call-friends/