History of the United States of America : Citizen War
Over the years, The United States of America has encountered itself struggling with its citizen. In order to be a democratic country as it is becoming now, nonviolence is one of the strongest pieces of this puzzle. While the resister is passive in the sense that he is not physically aggressive toward his opponent, his mind and emotions are always active, constantly seeking to persuade his opponent that he is wrong. The method is passive physically, but strongly active spiritually. It seeks to defeat evil instead of people.
Violence and war have been the daily bread for some leaders, others, rather to nonviolent actively resist against injustice and oppression. Clearly, the nonviolent resistance has marked and before and after not only in the United States but also in different countries. There is no doubt how aggressive and violent the resistance of nonviolent actions can be in a society. Historic changes such as the Civil Rights of the act or the Indian Independence. Where nonviolent resistance cornered tyrant governments to prove the power of the people. Even though violence has been over the table as a reaction of political oppression, revolutionary thinkers such as Martin Luther King Jr, Mahatma Gandhi, and Henry David Thoreau explain how nonviolence is more effective when it comes to addressing major problems.
Nowadays, nonviolence seems to be a more liable action than before. Indeed, in prior times, the word nonviolence was almost omitted. Since the government’s action was with violence to its people, the communities’ reaction was forced to use the only action they knew: violence. However, a light in the dark gave hope to a new era and a powerful movement. Henry David Thoreau expresses his outrage against the oppression against the people. In his article "Civil Disobedience" Thoreau estates "That government is best which governs not at all” (Thoreau 224). An implication of how the government could be a threat if it has absolute power over the people. Thoreau explains how a man should be inspired to be just and honest with their country and to themselves. In addition, he explains how the government might be corrupted and blind with anarchy leaving the people's interest aside provoking the disappointing and indignity of its citizens. Furthermore, Thoreau’s mindset was only the beginning of nonviolence actions.
Nonviolence has been efficient more than one time. Mahatma Gandhi is also a loyal advocator of nonviolence actions. Gandhi believed in a non-violent society and in a democratic government.
“Science of war leads one to dictatorship pure and simple, Science of nonviolence can alone lead one to pure democracy” (Gandhi 231). A pure perception of a free society and a democratic government. Gandhi became one of the faces of the efficiency of nonviolent actions and how people have control over the government without acting violently. Nonviolence became a revolutionary act. Since the government did not understand how to handle properly such an act that it did not only seem to be as peaceful and powerful and even more compelling than using violence as armor to claim their rights, the fall of a government becomes imminent Martin Luther King Jr. was also one historic leader who represented nonviolence acts in an important movement against the harsh segregation and racial oppression. On his powerful written manifesto "Letter from a Birmingham Jail," he expressed his concern and desired of a change the indignity of the whites’ treatment toward the African Americans. “You warmly command commended the Birmingham police force for keeping “order” and “preventing violence.” I doubt that you would have so warmly commended the police force if you had seen its dogs sinking their teeth into unarmed, nonviolent Negores. I doubt that you would so quickly command the policeman if you were to observe their ugly and inhumane treatment of the Negroes here in the city jail…" (king 241).
King expressed in his letter how harsh and cruel the government entities are willing to be in order to silence a crow. Giving a picture of the reality of what and how color people must face every day under "legal" laws that were imposed by tyrants and followed without any human mercy. King was the leader of important nonviolence marches. King made history being as one of the most significant leaders in the American Civil right movements. King encouraged thousands of African Americans to revolt against the oppressor Government and fight for their rights. But King was decided to prove an entire society how the effective and authoritative was nonviolent actions. King is and has become a role model for the new generations to remind the power of the citizens. When peaceful activists remind police of their right to gather without being assaulted with immunity, they have the right to ask: If we’re not being violent, why are you?
Times are changing and nonviolent actions are proof of the new era. Martin Luther King Jr, Mahatma Gandhi, and Henry David Thoreau are just the beginning of a potent and capable nonviolent resistance, they have proven how effective nonviolence is, not only through their knowledge but also whit their actions. Even though it never was such an easy issue, they have made a difference with its constancy and determination when it comes to addressing major problems such as corruption, inequality, and injustice. One thing is for sure, there are still thousands of miles to walk in this path that already begin to create changes to a better future. King, Thoreau, and Gandhi were willing to sacrifice their lives for the truth and prove people that even though it is hard to keep the faith, there is always a light in the middle of the darkness.
Cited Work Page
- Thoreau, Henry David. “Civil Disobedience.” Crosscurrents: Reading in the Disciplines, by Eric Carl. Link and Steven Frye, Pearson Higher Education, 2013, pp. 224–229.
- Gandhi, Mahatma. “The Non-Violent Society.” Crosscurrents: Reading in the Disciplines, by Eric Carl. Link and Steven Frye, Pearson Higher Education, 2013, pp. 230–232.
- King, Martin Luther. “Letter from a Birmingham Jail.” Crosscurrents: Reading in the Disciplines, by Eric Carl. Link and Steven Frye, Pearson Higher Education, 2013, pp. 236–242.
History of The United States of America : Citizen War. (2021, Mar 13). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/history-of-the-united-states-of-america-citizen-war/