Systemic Patterns of Gender Discrimination in Global Contexts
Gender inequality, as defined by Oxford Reference, refers to the social process by which individuals are treated differently and disadvantageously under similar circumstances based on their gender. Despite significant progress made by women to establish themselves as equals to men, they continue to face discrimination and unequal treatment. This essay examines the obstacles women encounter in their quest for acceptance and success, using the television show "Good Trouble" as a case study to explore the persistent issue of gender inequality in the workplace.
This topic is not only prevalent in the United States but resonates globally, affecting countless women across various sectors.
Gender Disparities in "Good Trouble"
"Good Trouble" is a revolutionary sitcom that tackles sensitive subjects, with gender inequality being one of its main themes. The show follows two foster sisters, Mariana and Callie, who come from diverse backgrounds but were raised in a supportive foster home by two mothers. Both sisters have completed higher education and embarked on their respective career paths. Mariana, an MIT graduate, joins a well-established tech company as a software engineer, while Callie, a UCSD Law School graduate, works as a law clerk. Despite pursuing different careers, both sisters encounter gender inequality, albeit in different forms.
Mariana's experiences highlight the challenges women face in male-dominated industries. Assigned to an all-male engineering team, she grapples with workplace misogyny and struggles to be taken seriously as both a woman and a Latina. Mariana faces additional challenges when a female colleague advises her to blend in and not appear overly eager or knowledgeable. Despite adopting this advice, Mariana continues to be assigned menial tasks, sometimes as pranks orchestrated by her team members. Her contributions during meetings are often undermined, prompting her to take matters into her own hands. Mariana reviews her teammates' work and bypasses the chain of command to present her ideas directly to higher-ups. She allies with a male colleague, only to discover she earns considerably less than him for the same role and responsibilities. This revelation leads her to unite with other female employees to address pay disparities.
Statistics from the Wall Street Journal underscore this reality, revealing that women earn less than men in 439 out of 446 major U.S. occupations, with women earning only 78 cents for every dollar a man earns. This systemic inequality is mirrored in Mariana's experiences, emphasizing the pervasive nature of gender-based pay gaps.
Callie's Legal Challenges
Callie, on the other hand, faces gender inequality from a different angle. As a law clerk for a conservative judge, her liberal views often clash with her professional environment. Her passion for cases is frequently dismissed as emotional sensitivity due to her gender. In contrast, a male law clerk receives more serious consideration and is entrusted with significant cases. To assert her competence, Callie must conduct extensive research and prove her ability to handle complex legal matters. While Callie is a young woman in her early twenties with no familial responsibilities, many women face similar challenges balancing work and caregiving duties.
According to, an employee's commitment is often measured by their willingness to work long hours or relocate. Since women are frequently the primary caregivers at home, their dedication and reliability are unjustly questioned. Women should not be penalized or discriminated against because of their responsibilities outside the workplace.
While women have made significant strides in the fight for equality, gender inequality continues to manifest in various forms. "Good Trouble" serves as an insightful portrayal of the ongoing challenges faced by women in the workplace, particularly from the perspective of today's youth. The show depicts the struggles of Mariana and Callie, echoing the experiences of countless women who must work twice as hard as their male counterparts to achieve similar goals. By addressing these issues with dignity and strength, the sisters inspire viewers to remain resilient in the face of adversity.
In conclusion, the fight against gender inequality is ongoing, and it requires collective efforts from individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. By raising awareness and advocating for change, we can create a more equitable and inclusive world for future generations. "Good Trouble" not only entertains but also educates, offering valuable insights into the complexities of gender inequality and the resilience required to overcome it.

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Systemic Patterns of Gender Discrimination in Global Contexts. (2021, Apr 03). Retrieved from