Employer Brand and Ethical Behavior

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Employer Brand and Ethical Behavior

A study on how a company’s ethical behavior can influence its employer brand and attractiveness to potential employees. The essay would delve into real-life examples of companies whose reputations, either positive or negative, impacted their hiring capabilities. More free essay examples are accessible at PapersOwl about Behavior topic.

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(a) Briefly discuss why the employee's overly narrow approach to applying to your company reveals current weaknesses in your Employer Branding.

(b) Suggest preparations for establishing best practices that promote ethical behavior.

(c) Discuss why the employee's overly narrow approach to applying to your company reveals current weaknesses in your Employer Branding.

I am a Human Resource Manager working at Sky World Finance Co., Ltd. My company is of a middle-level size, focusing on Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) development nationwide.

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We provide services like SME loans and other financial services. Currently, we have plans to expand our business and recruit more employees. However, during our recruitment process, we are encountering the issue of overly narrow applicants. We suspect this is due to weaknesses in our Employer Brand. With this in mind, we need to acknowledge and address the weak points in our Employer Branding.

Employer Branding relates to the image of an organization and how attractive it is to potential employees. This factor significantly impacts the type of candidates who apply for jobs. Every organization in our business invariably faces weak points in their Employer Brand. It's vital to identify the sources of these weaknesses. Having a strong Employer Brand is crucial for attracting top talent within any organization. A well-implemented Employer Brand can reduce hiring costs by half and attract three times more applicants per vacancy. Here are three ways we can ensure our employer brand sends the right message about our organization.

  1. Know your employer value proposition.
  2. The personal touch makes a big difference.
  3. Deliver on our brand.

Know your Employee Value Preposition

First, we need to understand our organization's culture and value to motivate and drive our current employees. We also need to know our potential employees or groups to set targets. At this stage, we require planning and some research to be effective for our target groups and to formulate relevant questions. What type of employees do we want to attract and motivate? How can we create a business environment that encourages such motivation and interest? What does our current employer brand say about us to prospective candidates?

The Personal touch make a difference

The personal touch is an essential point for being effective in Employer Branding. Fresher employees, or those without experience, can interact with our organization in many ways, either through the internet, social media pages, current employees, or through job recruitment agencies, etc. Each source can offer unique opportunities to these new employees. Engagement with an organization can foster future leaders within our organization. At this stage, the recruitment process becomes crucial in placing the right people at the right time in the right place. Organizations need to be aware of and follow HR strategies and policies during the recruitment process. Some recruitment software can attract potential employees to align with our company organization. To deliver a personal touch in our employer brand, we need to think like a potential candidate or a fresher employee. This allows us to empathize with their feelings and understand what's important to them during their interactions with our brand.

Deliver on our Brand

The goal of a strong employer brand is to recruit more employees for an organization. If candidates become employees, they will consider our brand during the recruitment process. Consequently, their experience with our company and our organizational culture will influence the employer brand. This, in turn, can attract new hires to our organization, leading to increased engagement with our employees. This allows them to become part of our employer brand. (Sexton, 2016)

In conclusion, if we establish our employer brand based on three positive findings, we believe that we can transform our current weaknesses into strengths in our employer brand. This will enable us to attract a large number of fresh, inexperienced employees to our organization, diversify our applicant pool during the recruitment process, and potentially expand our SME Loan services. Therefore, increasing our employee count will ultimately strengthen our employer brand.

Implementing these three effective strategies in our company will increase the number of employees who can approach our SME Loan services organization. Ultimately, this will help us build a strong employer brand.

(b) It's important to establish the best practices for promoting ethical behavior. Since we're part of a company, we need to focus on promoting ethical behavior from a company's point of view. As our organization embraces globalization, we must ensure we promote ethical behavior in our workplace and working environment. Unpleasant behaviors such as stealing, lying, and cheating are well-known, but we can't assume that our employees inherently understand how to act ethically.

Being ethical implies having a strong set of values that an organization defines and enforces, which are generally beneficial to the whole. (Schaefer, 2017). Therefore, it's crucial that we follow and establish the best practices for promoting ethical behavior. Such policies include:

  1. Establish the standards of Ethics.
  2. Ethical training is required to provide.
  3. Practice ethical behavior by using a reward system.
  4. Deal with misconduct towards others.

Establish the standard of Ethical in the work place

We can post written standards in the work area, on the notice board, or in our employee book. All standards must be understood by the company employees, so we need to use simple sentences that align with ethical business practices. The ethical standard should be set as precisely as possible. For example, "Employees are not allowed to discriminate based on physical appearance or make sexual advances of any kind in the working area." Ethical behavior should stem from the top down. Leadership within an organization must adhere to ethical standards in all types of business communication such as emails, memos, reports, announcements, etc. They should then recruit applicants who uphold high values and can improve our company's ethical standards.

Ethical training is required to provide

The company's ethics officer or relevant HR personnel need to specify company strategy. This training should be incorporated into the annual meeting as a company ethics training session. For example, a presentation could be given on “Sexual Harassment, Hostile Behavior, and Other Unethical Conduct.” It's also essential to focus on developing skills that allow employees to perform effectively, manage their time, solve problems, and request assistance when needed.

Reasonable objectives should be set to meet their criteria within the deadline. Annual training days will help improve our company's ethical culture. Finally, we can review and identify our workplace's ethical business standards and business practices.

Encourage ethical behavior by using a reward system that values both financial and non-financial aspects, including promotions, raises, and bonuses. As a good practice, we need to conduct regular reviews, either monthly or annually, by rating their services or ethical work practices. For example, we could honor "The Best Employee of the Month." This recognition will motivate employees to continue practicing ethical behavior, creating a more pleasant working environment for our organization.

Misconduct Dealing

We need to communicate regulations and disciplinary procedures clearly. Everyone should be aware of the circumstances surrounding unethical behavior. It's necessary to inform all company employees about disciplinary procedure measurements, as stated in the company's written ethical standards. This communication should occur during the hiring process as well as during training sessions. If anyone in the company encounters unethical behavior such as sexual harassment, they should know to report misconduct without fear. It is essential to address allegations of misconduct promptly.

In conclusion, everyone in the organization must hold the same ethical standards and follow the ethical practices mentioned above. We believe that adhering to these standards will make our organization a pleasant place to work, filled with improved ethical behavior. (Co-author, 2014-2015)

References: Sexton, 2016; Schaefer, 2017; Sexton, 2016


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Employer Brand and ethical behavior. (2019, Jul 18). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/employer-brand-and-ethical-behavior/