Sky World Finance Ethics Reform

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Updated: Dec 05, 2024
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Sky World Finance Ethics Reform

A study on how a company’s ethical behavior can influence its employer brand and attractiveness to potential employees. The essay would delve into real-life examples of companies whose reputations, either positive or negative, impacted their hiring capabilities. More free essay examples are accessible at PapersOwl about Behavior topic.

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Attracting and retaining talent is a pressing challenge for organizations seeking to thrive in the modern business world. At Sky World Finance Co., Ltd., a mid-sized company focusing on Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) development, we are currently facing the challenge of attracting a diverse pool of applicants for our various roles. This challenge has highlighted weaknesses in our Employer Branding, a crucial element that influences how potential employees perceive us. Furthermore, as we aim to expand our workforce, it is imperative to foster a workplace environment that promotes ethical behavior, ensuring long-term success and sustainability.

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By addressing these two key areas—Employer Branding and ethical practices—we aim to create a more appealing and morally sound workplace that attracts top talent and retains dedicated employees.

Enhancing Employer Branding

Employer Branding is the image that an organization projects to potential employees, significantly influencing their decision to apply for positions. A strong Employer Brand not only attracts top-tier candidates but also reduces hiring costs and increases the number of applicants per vacancy. At Sky World Finance Co., Ltd., our current recruitment process has revealed an overly narrow applicant pool, indicating potential weaknesses in our Employer Branding strategy. This situation compels us to reevaluate and enhance our Employer Branding efforts.

One of the foundational steps in strengthening our Employer Brand is understanding our Employee Value Proposition (EVP). This involves a deep dive into our organizational culture, values, and what motivates our existing employees. We must ask ourselves: What unique qualities does our company offer to potential employees? How can we tailor our business environment to foster interest and motivation among prospective candidates? Addressing these questions requires thorough planning and research, enabling us to target the right groups and design a brand message that resonates with them.

Furthermore, personal engagement with candidates is vital. In an era where digital interactions often precede personal ones, maintaining a human touch can differentiate us from competitors. Prospective employees interact with our brand through various channels—be it social media, job fairs, or our website. Ensuring that each touchpoint reflects our organization's values and culture is crucial. Using recruitment software that aligns candidates with our brand ethos can further refine our applicant pool, ensuring that we place the right individuals in the right roles.

Delivering on our brand promise is another critical aspect. The experience candidates have during the recruitment process should mirror the values we espouse. Positive experiences can transform candidates into brand ambassadors, attracting more talent through word-of-mouth and social proof. As candidates transition into employees, their journey within our organization should continue to reflect our brand values, fostering a sense of belonging and engagement.

Promoting Ethical Behavior

As we strive to attract a wide range of applicants and expand our workforce, it's equally important to ensure that our workplace environment upholds the highest ethical standards. Ethical behavior in business is not just about adhering to regulations; it's about cultivating a culture where integrity and respect are paramount. At Sky World Finance Co., Ltd., we recognize that ethical behavior stems from clearly defined values and consistent enforcement.

Establishing clear ethical standards is the first step. These standards should be communicated transparently and should resonate with every employee, from leadership to entry-level positions. Posting these standards in visible areas and including them in employee handbooks emphasizes their importance. For instance, a policy against discrimination and harassment should be explicit, ensuring that all employees understand what is expected in terms of behavior and communication.

In addition to setting standards, providing ethical training is essential. Regular training sessions can educate employees on the nuances of ethical behavior, highlight common ethical dilemmas, and provide strategies for navigating them. Incorporating this training into annual meetings not only reinforces its importance but also ensures that it remains a priority across all levels of the organization.

To encourage adherence to ethical standards, implementing a reward system can be effective. Recognizing employees who exemplify ethical behavior through awards or incentives can motivate others to follow suit. Such recognition fosters a positive work environment and emphasizes the value placed on integrity within the company.

Finally, addressing misconduct decisively is crucial. Clear communication regarding disciplinary procedures ensures that employees understand the consequences of unethical behavior. Encouraging employees to report incidents without fear of retaliation promotes transparency and trust. Addressing issues promptly further reinforces the importance of maintaining an ethical workplace.


In conclusion, by enhancing our Employer Branding and promoting ethical behavior, Sky World Finance Co., Ltd. can transform current challenges into opportunities for growth. A strong Employer Brand, rooted in a compelling Employee Value Proposition and delivered with a personal touch, will attract a broader and more diverse applicant pool. Simultaneously, fostering a workplace culture grounded in ethical behavior will ensure that we not only attract top talent but also retain them, contributing to a sustainable and successful organizational future. By committing to these initiatives, we aim to position Sky World Finance Co., Ltd. as an employer of choice, recognized for both its professional opportunities and its ethical standards.

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Sky World Finance Ethics Reform. (2019, Jul 18). Retrieved from