“Education is the most Powerful Tool which Can Use to Change the World”

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“Education is the most Powerful Tool which Can Use to Change the World”

This essay will discuss the power of education as a tool for societal and global change. It will explore how education can empower individuals, bridge inequalities, foster economic development, and promote peace and understanding. The piece will examine the challenges and barriers to accessing quality education worldwide and discuss initiatives and strategies aimed at expanding educational opportunities. It will also consider the role of technology and innovation in transforming education. Additionally, PapersOwl presents more free essays samples linked to Behavior Modification.

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Nelson Mandela states, “”Education is the most powerful tool which can use to change the world””. In the past, there has been a significant transformation in society that has been primarily attributed to education. For instance, the continued support and investments in education across the world have contributed to various technological advancements. These developments have improved life efficiency while addressing some of the global challenges. Most scholars argue that the social, economic, and cultural problems that countries face originate from inadequate education or lack of it.

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These studies place a lot of significance on education as an essential tool for addressing issues of gender inequality, poverty reduction, sustainable planet for future generations, and needless illnesses and deaths.

In modern society, education is a critical pillar that addresses human problems. Unlike the developed nations, the developing countries still record low transition rates across the education levels. The World Bank statistics estimates that less than 50 percent of the population from the developing countries transition to tertiary or higher levels of education, leaving a large population unexposed to educational developments. Ganimian and Murnane (2016) argue that the social and economic problems that the developing countries face arise from the inefficient education system. The high poverty rates in these countries are attributed mainly to the inability of the states to address the educational needs such that there are low transition rates in the system.

Past studies have confirmed that education is a critical component of democracy. According to Farnen (2015), civic education, teacher professionalism, and pupil participation as components of training are vital in establishing a democratic system. It forms the basis of public use of reason as a useful tool for democracy and societal progress. Countries that have reliable and effective education systems are highly informed and democratic. There is extensive use of public reason that tells the social and political relationships (Paik, 2018). In my view, education is a tool that opens the mind to different ideas that are critical to the social, economic, and political transformations. Curriculum exists to guide the training, and an interaction between the teachers, students, and learning materials is essential for an effective education system and a democratic society.

Philosophy of Education

Education is an essential tool for modern society. The transformation of a community, whether socially, technologically, politically, or democratically mostly relies on the extent to which that society values education. The countries that have recognized the role of education in social transformation employ the best standards in support of the system. It is a process that informs the extent of public use of reason that defines the democratic environment (Ganimian & Murnane, 2016). For instance, western countries have for a long time created educational systems that yield positive outcomes. The transformations that are evident from these societies are primarily associated with education. The innovation, research, and inventions rely on the skills and knowledge one acquires from the system. Therefore, in my view, education as a useful tool for any modern society.

Purpose of Education

The primary goal of education is to open one’s mind to explore and have a more comprehensive understanding of emerging issues. Irrespective of the level, each stage exposes the brain to relevant topics of the moment. For instance, a student in the elementary stage of learning has exposure to ideas and questions that are only relevant to the level (Ganimian & Murnane, 2016). The idea behind education is to expose people to concepts that are likely to address life challenges. It explains the reasons why people who are highly educated are more likely to innovate and come up with solutions to human problems (Paik, 2018). Education opens the mind to new possibilities that form the basis of inventions. It makes one have a different view of issues away from traditional beliefs.

Additionally, through education, one learns to appreciate things as they are. Ganimian and Murnane (2016) argue that education provides new opportunities for personal and societal developments. A community that embraces education is more likely to record significant achievements over time. Similarly, highly educated individuals have exposure to different career opportunities that help in personal and professional development.

Education serves the purpose of eliminating gender inequality, reducing poverty, creating a sustainable planet for all, and reducing mortality rates among the global population. Gender inequality is a major social problem linked to low education levels. Most societies embrace the form of discrimination by denying women access to education with the aim of keeping them ignorant of their environment (Ganimian & Murnane, 2016). The developing countries have the highest records for gender inequality that is partly attributed to the ineffective education system that the countries embrace. Education is necessary for reducing or eliminating gender equality. When there is accessible and affordable education to all irrespective of gender, all genders will get equal education and help in the reduction of the problem over time. The developed countries appreciate accessibility to quality education. As such, they record the highest levels of gender equality that ensure a just society.

Education is also crucial in reducing poverty. High poverty rates in society are associated with low education levels. Countries that have poor access to quality and affordable education are often ranked as the poorest. The population lacks access to opportunities for career development (Ganimian & Murnane, 2016). Additionally, with poor coaching, there are high unemployment rates that contribute to the high poverty index. An uneducated population cannot engage in gainful employment, which leads to high poverty levels. Therefore, education is a valuable tool that societies can use to reduce poverty levels.

According to Paik (2018), education is a significant contributor to national economic development, especially in developing nations. It helps these countries develop human capital that is highly skilled and exposed to different societal concepts. Development indicators in an economy such as productivity, employment rates, and poverty levels are all dependent on education. When there is inadequate access to quality and affordable education, the productivity levels in an economy tends to decline (Farnen, 2015). A more significant percentage of the population becomes unable to engage in user productivity to drive economic growth. Besides, high unemployment rates in a country arise from low education levels (Paik, 2018). The illiteracy levels contribute to poor economic development in the country. Therefore, the purpose of education is to increase literacy levels with the aim of improving productivity and addressing unemployment problems. Ultimately, it supports economic growth and development.

In the recent past, the global mortality rates have been on the rise. While there have been efforts to develop medical interventions that eliminate illnesses, more still needs to be done in terms of medical research. It is necessary to establish medical solutions to health problems through research and innovation (Ganimian & Murnane, 2016). Research and development as components of education are useful in creating a healthy nation. Knowledge is necessary for developing systems that will reduce global mortality rates and illnesses. The world is increasingly becoming unsustainable for future generations from increased global warming to technological developments (Ganimian & Murnane, 2016). Climate change is a significant threat to global sustainability. However, there is a potential for improving the situation through the adoption of education. Education supports research and innovation that makes it possible to find alternative solutions to climate change issues.

Finally, education is an essential tool in driving technological development. Over the ages, technological growth has been attributed to educational improvements. The countries that report meaningful technological advancements have a supportive education system. The system focuses on research and innovation with the goal of driving technological growth. An education system that focuses on the practical aspects of learning is more likely to record high levels of invention. The learners get exposure to functional elements that are critical to innovation and creativity. Through the systems, students become more creative in addressing the social, economic, and cultural problems in a country. Therefore, education serves the purposes of the opening of one’s mind to new opportunities that create systems to address social issues such as high gender inequality, high poverty levels, and unsustainability of the planet.


Curriculum plays an essential role in an educational system. A system with a comprehensive curriculum tends to ignore some of the crucial components of learning. As part of the education systems, curriculums exist to guide the teaching and learning process. It covers different aspects of learning and incorporates recent developments to ensure that the learners are exposed to the recent occurrences in a society (Alghazo, 2015). Despite the contributions of the curriculum to the education, a continuous review is necessary to ensure its response to the rising needs of the population. Therefore, the purpose of the curriculum in the education system is to help in planning for the education process (Alghazo, 2015). It is also useful in assisting society in achieving the educational needs by incorporating the emerging trends in the system. An effective curriculum also needs to focus on the practical aspects of learning such that the students are exposed to possible issues that support creativity and innovation that are necessary for modern society. The curriculum is, therefore, an essential aspect of an education system that should not be undermined for better learning outcomes.

A complete education system must have a curriculum that incorporates the teachers’ needs. It informs the teachers of the skills that should be part of a learning process for specific levels of study. It is necessary for teachers in aligning the learning objectives to the school curriculum for purposes of preparing the students to further studies and employment (Paik, 2018). Therefore, the goal of the curriculum in an education system to help in achieving the desired learning outcomes for the students. Furthermore, the curriculum is a necessary component of education as it creates a learning environment that accommodates both students and teachers (Ganimian & Murnane, 2016). It creates a situation where learners become active participants in the process. The curriculum also motivates learners to learn and develop a supportive environment for better outcomes.

Alghazo (2015) introduces the aspect of a regular review of the curriculum for an active learning process. A curriculum needs to undergo periodic review to incorporate the emerging trends in global education. Globalization makes the education system universal such that experts and policymakers need to create a curriculum that responds to the worldwide need for a comprehensive system. Arguably, a syllabus should make one globally competitive — however, the questions of practicality and costs of such systems. According to Alghazo (2015), different”

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"Education Is the Most Powerful Tool Which Can Use to Change the World". (2021, May 24). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/education-is-the-most-powerful-tool-which-can-use-to-change-the-world/