Democracy in the United States

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“The republic of America was changed in 1815 into a democratic state. The administration repudiated property capabilities for holding office and casting a ballot. This prompted the change of the Jefferson’s republic of property holder into Jackson’s mass democracy. During this period popular government was not implied for everybody as the majority of the blacks had restricted rights while the political privileges of the whites was not constrained. This implied the democratization of citizenship for the white men. The congress would not address the abolitionist request that it got during the 1830s.

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Right now, there was the American progressive development that was under Jefferson. Governmental issues were restricted to casting a ballot while horde activities and unconstrained motorcades assumed a noteworthy job in the political life.

In regard to politics, Jeffersonian and Jacksonian Democracy differentiates from one another. In Jeffersonian democracy, only white males who owned a property could vote and the only the educated elite were eligible for holding the public office. Presidential candidates were chosen by caucuses of political leaders. Jeffersonian Democracy adverts to the term of Thomas Jefferson that signifies the diminishment of Federalist control of American politics. Jefferson promoted a political system that supported public education, free voting and press, limited government and a democracy that is opposed to an industrial economy or states’ right that protected the citizens away from the government that places strength in the hands of privileged ruling class or also known as the aristocratic rule. Jacksonian Democracy on the other hand, all white males regardless of whether or not they owned property were allowed to vote. All men were qualified for holding public office and concept of nominating conventions was how presidential candidates were chosen. Jacksonian Democracy was acknowledged after the dominant Jeffersonian era. This democracy conceptualized the power of presidency and executive branch under the cost of Congress, while at the same time expanding the community’s presence in the government. Judges were not appointed, instead they were demanded elected by the public and the government also revised tons of state constitutions in reflection of the new values.

Economically speaking, Jeffersonian Democracy saw the yeoman farmer or agrarian as chosen class, originally feared the consequences of industrialization, and had different reasons to disapproval and disagreed with a loose interpretation of the elastic clause regarding the Bank of the United States. The republicans managed by Thomas Jefferson portrayed the significance of local government and just an agrarian national economy which was based on farmers that works hard independently. This aspect was then resulted to threats that could cause an impact to agrarian lifestyle by the industrialization. Jefferson was not opposed to industrialization but rather argued that, manufacture should supplement the agrarian lifestyle not by replacing it. Jefferson then purchased the Louisiana Land in 1803 to transform as an agrarian nation to farmers (Russel, 1837). Jefferson strongly gave an argument to Hamilton about the proposal of the first national bank. He indicated that the U.S. bank would cause a hindrance in the establishments of other state banks. A main principle he pointed out was the bank would be run by wealthy stockholders that would benefit the rich people which would give them more power. Although Jefferson opposed to this proposal, he lost the argument in Congress that led to the progression of the Bank Bill on February 1791. In Jacksonian Democracy, they considered the group of planters, laborers, and mechanics are members of the chosen class. Their view of the industrialization as rejection of any demands towards the readjusting of property that was viewed on the platform of Thomas Skidmore’s Committee of Fifty. Jacksonians viewed the bank as a monopoly of rich and puts the Federal money in states banks which later was called “Pet banks.” Jackson and his colleagues decrease the federal government’s role in financing infrastructure that would help the urban growth and for manufacturing. They also fought for lower tariffs which then resulted to the passing of 1846 and 1857 tariff acts to reduce the protection of cotton textiles under the American manufacturing.

Pet banks was due to the attempt of President Andrew Jackson to eliminate the Bank of the United States. The use of these pet banks deliberated to a national financial panic and by the end of 1836, ninety-one pet banks were already existing, and the money were issued for ventures such as stocks and lands. The last concept of the American Republic under the Jeffersonian Democracy is social. In this democracy, they owned the slaves and saw slavery as an evil. They considered neither men, women and American Indians as equal. Jefferson viewed education as necessary for office-holing and for preparing citizens for participation in democracy. Education and ambition were considered as their keys to success. However, Jefferson was never able to build support for his proposal of public education. In contrast, Jacksonian Democracy owned slaves but portrayed a few interests in abolition. They had a negative attitude towards the Native Americans and had little education which led them to believing that education was not important. Jackson believed that his economic progress had impacted his own accelerating social mobility and assumed that others could follow his example. During the Jacksonian era, democracy was extended to more Americans.

According to the article by McGouldrick in 1985 titled, “How the Jacksonians Favored Industrialization” stated, before 1800, only about 50% of white males were allowed to vote but by 1840, 90% were able to vote. This growth was facilitated by the loss of restrictions against white male suffrage. Before 1800, only white males who owned property and paid taxes could vote. However, due to the increase of Americans working in factories, there was a growing percentage of white males that no longer owned any land. Therefore, the previous restriction was removed which allowed more “commoners” to vote. It was vital to indicate changes in democracy in early America because it proclaimed itself to be the gathering of standard agriculturists and laborers. It contradicted the unique benefits of financial elites and to offer reasonable western land to normal white Americans, Indians should have been constrained further westbound. Some ways that vote based system can keep on developing today is to add to improve your locale, think about skylines, do the basic and hard things and display appreciation and consideration.”

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Democracy in the United States. (2021, Apr 26). Retrieved from