Customer Engagement Strategies

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Customer success and engagement have become pivotal strategies for companies in today's competitive business environment. These concepts are not just buzzwords; they are critical components that drive a company's ability to meet customer needs and enhance organizational strategies. Despite their importance, there remain concerns and questions regarding the precise nature of customer engagement and customer success, as well as their implications across various industries. However, extensive research has shown a keen interest in examining the diverse strategies associated with customer engagement.

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It is evident that customer engagement stands as a significant concern for every management team aiming to fulfill customer needs through strategic organizational approaches.

This study, therefore, embarks on a crucial exploration of customer engagement and customer success within a company, particularly focusing on their impact on organizational behavior. The research primarily falls within the field of Management, with a specialized focus on marketing. The main topic of this research proposal is to investigate the extent to which the concepts of Customer Success and Customer Engagement are applied in the Media Industry, using Amazon as a case study, and to evaluate their influence on the organizational behavior of companies.

Theoretical Framework

Customer engagement is increasingly recognized among professionals and academics as a distinct construct within consumer brand relationships. Recent literature, although primarily applied, offers varying definitions of consumer brand engagement, but a consensus remains elusive. Therefore, this study suggests a novel, higher-order model of consumer brand engagement that is derived from organizational psychology. There is a pressing need to refine the concept of employee engagement and examine its factorial validity within a consumer brand relationship context, defining customer brand engagement as a positive, enjoyable brand-use perspective characterized by intensity, dedication, and absorption.

Furthermore, this research proposes the creation and empirical testing of a three-dimensional model of brand engagement, outlining relevant antecedents and consequences. More importantly, the administrative utility of customer brand engagement is assessed by examining its effect on consumer loyalty intentions. This investigation also considers traditional consumer evaluations of value, quality, and satisfaction, which are critical to understanding consumer behavior.

The concept of consumer engagement has garnered increasing attention in recent marketing literature, recognized as a key area needing further research. Rooted in relationship marketing, consumer engagement enhances current theories of consumer-brand relationships by acknowledging the interactive and experiential nature of these relationships, extending their scope beyond core purchase situations. Engaged consumers display attitudes that transcend traditional market-attributed buyer behaviors, aligning with the logic of value co-creation.

This theoretical lens offers a more relaxed and expanded approach to traditional relationship marketing, shifting the focus from straightforward company-customer, transaction-driven relationships to a richer understanding of brand relationships. Maintaining a connection with the consumer base is increasingly vital and is considered a fundamental strategy by many marketing professionals. The perceived benefits of consumer engagement, including changes in consumer behavior and brand performance, fuel both academic and practical interest in understanding and guiding this concept.

Despite ongoing theoretical development, customer engagement is widely acknowledged as a central factor in a nomological network, as described by Brodie et al. (2011). However, there is still no consensus on whether engagement pertains solely to the customer or should include other actors within the network. In the age of big data and digital media, engagement remains a critical concept, agreed upon by both marketing practitioners and researchers.


The methodology section outlines the steps critical to conducting this study and achieving the set objectives. It discusses research design, sampling procedures, target population, data collection processes, and data analysis procedures.

Research Study Design

The study will employ an exploratory design to investigate the extent of customer engagement concepts utilized within Amazon and customer satisfaction with the company's products and services. Exploratory research design allows researchers to explore study elements and describe activities as they occur. This study will utilize a survey approach, primarily conducted using questionnaires.

Target Population

The target population of this study comprises 300 Amazon customers, surveyed through online platforms such as Facebook and Gmail. The target population is expected to be familiar with branding, marketing, and customer engagement practices critical to understanding the importance of brands.

Sampling Process

Sampling involves choosing individual observations intended to produce information about a specific population, selected for statistical inference. A simple random sample will be used, with a sample size of 200, representing 67% of the target population. This method minimizes bias and simplifies the analysis of results, ensuring the target population is well represented.

Research Instrumentation

Online questionnaires will be used to collect data. Questionnaires are instruments used to gather data, allowing assessment for or against a particular viewpoint. The questions will be mostly closed-ended, covering topics such as purchase frequency, pricing practices, customer care services, and other aspects of customer-company relationships.

Data Collection

Before actual data collection, a pilot test will assess research instruments and question clarity. Respondents will complete online questionnaires, and unclear questions will be corrected. The researcher will administer the questionnaires, engaging with respondents online. Criteria for selecting respondents include evaluating their ability to stay online long enough to complete the questionnaire. The researcher will be available to clarify any questions.

Data Analysis and Techniques

Quantitative data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics, with Microsoft Excel, and presented through frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations. Data will be presented in tables and graphs for accurate interpretation, revealing any relationship between consumer engagement concepts and organizational behavior.


This research proposal provides a comprehensive overview of customer engagement concepts and their impact on organizational behavior at Amazon. It evaluates various sub-issues, including research objectives, background information, research methodology, and work schedules. By understanding and implementing effective customer engagement strategies, companies like Amazon can enhance consumer loyalty, improve brand performance, and ultimately drive organizational success. Therefore, this study not only aims to contribute to academic literature but also provides practical insights for businesses seeking to optimize their customer engagement practices.


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Customer Engagement Strategies. (2019, Nov 18). Retrieved from