Collegiality and Job Satisfaction Among Charter School Faculty

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The Research focuses on the importance of experience about job satisfaction in Northern Nevada Charter schools. This provides the school administration with knowledge on how to identify collegial perceptions that increases production. Identifying collegiality perceptions that may increase work production in Northern Nevada as it produces good results. Several studies have been done involving the teachers and other working staff to establish the quality of work that they produce in their daily activities.

The school has a friendly environment that depends on the worker’s employees for better results.

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This research was conducted to establish the working conditions, and the way worker relationship affects the workers and the nature of the work they do. Research involves data collection and analysis to establish how collegial relationship influence the total output in a school.

Research Design

This chapter was to show how collegial perceptions and collegiality influence faculty perceptions and the nature of work they produce. The research was divided into two sections the first section being the teacher retention that should be addressed by the administration that ensures there is friendly learning environment in the school. The second section involves the theories that give the basis of discussion on how relationships affect productivity in the school. The theories give reciprocal interactions fostered in the environment which forms the basis of arguments either to support or to refute.

Reciprocal interactions commonly produce quality jobs that are satisfactory. To make out collegiality, the findings obtained have to examine further to give a clear view on how work production is affected social and non-academic factors affect the school production.

Target population

The research was conducted on various variables based on leadership qualities demonstrated by the school principal. Shawn and Newton identified 50 most populated schools in Alabama that were potential to be used in the research. Only 15 schools gave a positive response for them to carry on with their research. They managed to get 234 surveys from the teachers that took the research seriously. They used their personal properties in the statistics and data collection in their research. They requested the people who would take part in the research to be serious and be consistent with their responses. This was the targeted group that the research was based.

Data collection procedures

Petersen, Perrachione, and Rosser wanted to determine how job satisfaction among teachers is influenced by identifying variables and how educators are affected by those variables to remain in the teaching profession. Perrachione selected public elementary teachers teaching in grade levels K-5 and research participants in the state of Missouri. Out of 30 countries once School participated in the study. Teachers that had experience of up to five years were selected by the principal and were required to give at least thirty students to participate in the research.

The Ten teachers from the participant school were then needed to make a sample of about 300 teachers with over five years experience in the field to take part in the in the research. Only 201 teachers responded to the questions out of 300 subjects who received surveys from the researchers in Missouri. They were required to give accurate information so that the research would be advantageous.

Data Analysis

The findings demonstrated a positive correlation in the job satisfaction of the teacher and perception of the principal’s level of servant leadership.

Teacher preparation in Alabama and the state funding for schools were among the limitations identified by Shaw and Newton which could be problematic to most participant teachers. The other variables that affect the job satisfaction capabilities also need to be identified for in the study if the administration stated problems resulting to poor performance to some teachers. Collaboration is a valuable tool that ensures that the teaching staff is well supported to attain the desired goal.

Unity is essential in the teaching career as the teachers combine forces to produce desired results to their students. Retention of teachers is impacted by collaboration by promoting resiliency among the teaching faculty members through collegial discussion and mentorship which fosters other collegial supports like being active when making important decisions in the organization.

Establishing healthy professional relationships and engaging in professional learning communities. Discovering proper worker relationships can contribute positive perceptions. Collaboration ensures there is better worker understanding on how they perceive job experiences. When using the qualitative methodology, the researcher quickly understands how cooperation can contribute to collegial job experience.

It is critical to establish mentoring programs that ensure that the new teachers can thrive well in their new environment and can easily access the materials they need quickly. They should be given assistance that they need before they cope with the new students they meet before they get to know them. There is more interaction between mentors teachers and the new teachers before they start identifying their strengths and weaknesses.

The more the employees know each other, the better they perform although they should keep their relationships within the professional respect and ethics.


Seidman, I. (2013). Interviewing as qualitative research: A guide for researchers in education and the social sciences. Teachers college press. New York

Sousa, D. (2014). Validation in qualitative research: General aspects and specificities of the descriptive phenomenological method. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 11(2), 211-227. doi: 10.1080/14780887.2013.853855

U.S. Department of Education. (2014). Teacher attrition and mobility: Results from the 2012-2013 teacher follow-up survey. National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved from

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Collegiality and Job Satisfaction Among Charter School Faculty. (2019, Oct 21). Retrieved from