ASB in Secondary School

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4 ASB in secondary school International context. ASB among students in secondary school is one problem that educational authorities in different parts of the world contend with ASB has become a topical issue in secondary schools and it is a thorny and highly emotional issue that has attracted the attention of different stakeholders which includes scholars over the years (Banja, 2013).

In Kenya, the issue of ASB in secondary school environment has evoked concerns among key stakeholders and research has been conducted for the purpose to identify the main causes of ASB among students and with the objectives to determine common cases of ASB in secondary school.

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According to Griffin (1994), cited by Salomon (2008: 1), “revealed that lack of communication is the greatest single factor causing school strikes, in school environment therefore lack of consultative forums for the review of school rules and regulations can leads to existence of absolute, unpurposeful, unenforceable rules that act as spring board for the proliferation of ASB in secondary schools.”

In addition, the increase of ASB in schools is due to the inadequacy of handling guidance and counseling throughout the country. An Effective administrator should aim to check indiscipline in their respective institution by being ready to listen, guide and effectively motivate the guidance and counseling of teachers. Thus, the institution where the administration cares less to establish a motivate guidance and counseling department lead students to be deprived of needed advice, counsel and guidance (Solomon, 2018).

Moreover, Solomon (2018) stated that ASB among students has the causes that exist in schools and in the society and in the psychological state of students. For instance, society where students are brought up and school is studying respectively, which ultimate influence the psychological state of the students negatively. Evidence of the study in Kenya reveals that the probability concerning the issue of ASB in secondary schools is mainly related to the causal factors such as over-protective guardians, peer pressure, inconsistency punishment, poor parental care, drug abuse.

In United Kingdom, According to Munn et al. (2007), as cited in Banja (2013: 2), “59 per cent of teachers consider indiscipline in secondary school to be a serious problem, they further reported that a wide range of behaviors potentially disruptive to teaching and learning including: talking out of turn, lack of punctuality, eating in class, playing truant and using verbal abusive language, physical aggression, to classmates, rowdiness, infringing school rules, hindering others”.

In addition, in the United Kingdom the nature of ASB reveals a notable similarity to what obtained in Kenya as causes, For instance; overt hostility to school authorities, as exhibited in violence , vandalism disrespect and defiance to authority, fighting , absenteeism,

In the context of Mauritius, there is no dearth of research on the issue in regards to the causes of anti social behaviors in secondary schools and most of research, academic journals and Medias have published issues concerning indiscipline or misbehavior in secondary schools. .Thus, much of this literature pertains to the field of sociology and psychology to help educators understand the cause and identify the possible solutions to indiscipline and violence in secondary schools.

However, Beebeejaun (2014), have studied ASB in Mauritian secondary school students across Mauritius. In her work, she makes reference to Merry and O’Carroll’s (1988) defined; “ASB as aggressive, delinquent and violent acts being increasingly recognized as not only a social justice problem but also a public health problem.” Furthermore, in her research, she investigated the different forms of antisocial behavior in the Mauritian secondary schools and explaining deviant behavior among secondary school students both in the classroom and within and outside the school premises.

She used survey to carry out her research over a period of six months to collect data from twelve Mauritian secondary schools both private and state administered. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used and students as well as the teaching staff were given the opportunity to have their voices heard.

The generated findings show that although the environment, the socialisation process, socioeconomic factors, genetic factors, cultural factors and peer influence among others have a strong impact on student’s behaviour, young people from well to do background with a stable environment closely –monitored upbringing , very often indulge into indiscipline /delinquent behaviours.

The results of her research show that indiscipline occurs practically in all schools but at differing degrees. Thus, different forms of violence such as fighting and inflicting injury to their friends, although quite rare, were noticed in some cases. It is also wise to note that teachers feel dis-empowered because of both disproportionate student population and undisciplined students, which affects considerably the teaching and learning process and because of the lack of support and guidance from relevant authorities.

In addition, she identified that the causes of Anti social behavior in secondary school to be mainly related with the socialization process, socioeconomic factors, genetic factors , cultural factors and peer influence among others have a strong impact on student ‘s behavior.

Based on study in the Mauritian context as a result it is clear that the most common cases of ASB identified were damage in secondary school property, misbehavior in class ,use of foul language, rowdiness and careless. According to her , student are losing moral values and respect towards society and that deterioration of their behavior could be witnessed in outside the school premises Hence social problems like poverty , social exclusion and unemployment are related to this dilemmas whereby youngsters are being marginalized and as a result they transmit this ASB to their respective schools. In addition, she came in conclusion that school management should detect cases of ASB and other means of social control are not fulfilling their role.

As we can read, the review of literature from previous research across different countries worldwide. For instance, studies conducted within Kenya, United Kingdom and Mauritius Island has reported a notable similarity regarding the most common typologies of ASB in secondary schools. Hence, ASB among students from Kenya, United Kingdom shows same patterns of causes as stressed in the review above.


The aim of this research is to investigate and determine the main causes of ASB among students in secondary schools in Rodrigues Island. In addition, this research wills provide more information and come up with appropriate recommendations in order to help the educational authority in Rodrigues and stakeholders for better understanding of the situation. The problem of ASB in secondary schools is becoming an alarming problem and the local authority should most urgently adopt discipline to tackle it from wider perspectives.


  1. To establish a correlation between ASB in secondary schools and to understand to what extent ASB has an influence on student.
  2. To determine the factors causing ASB student.
  3. To identify and describe the different typologies of ASB in secondary schools in Rodrigues island.
  4. To identify the mechanism that exists in secondary schools to tackle with problem of ASB.
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ASB in secondary school. (2019, Nov 03). Retrieved from