Agile Methods in Organizational Change

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Aristotle, a towering figure in ancient Greek philosophy, made profound contributions to various fields, including logic, which have influenced the course of Western philosophy and science for centuries. His work laid the foundations for logical reasoning, providing a systematic approach to evaluating arguments. By developing and classifying syllogisms, Aristotle established a framework for assessing the validity of arguments—a fundamental tool that remains crucial in both philosophical discourse and scientific inquiry today. This essay explores the significance of Configuration Management (CM) in agile environments, drawing parallels with Aristotelian logic to highlight its importance in modern software development.

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We will delve into the adaptations required for CM to align with agile principles and examine its role in enhancing productivity and collaboration in software projects.

Configuration Management in Agile Environments

According to Highsmith (2009), adapting CM to fit agile principles is crucial for maintaining its effectiveness without compromising any of its core aspects. CM, with its values of recognizing, scheming, inspecting, and reporting, is independent of specific development methodologies and can be applied in diverse ways as long as its principles remain intact. Often, CM finds itself in companies that embrace hybrid models with parallel phases rather than purely agile organizations. Therefore, the introduction of agile methodologies necessitates adjustments in CM implementation to align with agile growth requirements.

Cobb (2011) emphasizes that effective software configuration management (SCM) is vital for the success of agile projects. Understanding agile SCM involves identifying key aspects that contribute to a successful agile environment without sacrificing agility. SCM procedures must embody agile principles to achieve the objectives of agile development. In an era of rapid technological change, it is essential for companies to adapt to the increased speed of agile processes (Ambler & Lines, 2012).

Moreira (2010) highlights the importance of thinking in terms of small increments and iterations in an agile environment. Consequently, CM must support the ability to handle smaller work increments and accommodate a higher rate of change. CM for agile is not about minimizing its role but rather enabling quick recognition and control over the rapid pace of change while reducing the effort required to manage these changes. In an agile environment, which often involves product management, CM must be prepared to handle smaller work chunks, leading to more frequent incremental deliveries, both internally and externally. This necessitates greater adaptability and automation in branching processes.

Whyte, Stasis, and Lindkvist (2016) argue that CM requires collaborative efforts among team members to achieve shared goals, contributing to the successful completion of a project. CM is regarded as a collective responsibility, integrated into the daily activities of team members.

Workspaces and Merging

In an agile environment, companies need individual workspaces, particularly for pair programming, which increases the demand for shared workspaces. This arrangement allows individuals to collaborate while retaining the flexibility to work independently when needed. The agile project determines the number of branches required and their integration with other projects. Aiello and Sachs (2010) note that smaller, independent agile projects benefit from private workspaces that are not separated from the mainline. In contrast, larger teams require a more complex layer of integration between the mainline and personal workspaces.

To reduce integration efforts, maintaining small teams is advisable. The need for automated merging becomes more pronounced with the accelerated pace of agile development. While most CM tools now offer this feature, upgrading is necessary for those without it. This becomes particularly important for large agile projects or when multiple individuals need to access the same code units. Organizations aiming to adopt agile methodologies on a larger scale should consider implementing a CM cooperative environment. This approach facilitates the swift deployment of agile projects and immediate utilization of CM. In traditional methodologies, the CM environment typically becomes operational during the growth stage, whereas in an agile setting, it should be ready immediately after iteration proposals, well before development phases (Mohan, Ramesh & Sugumaran, 2010).

Research Methodology

This research relies on comprehensive secondary analysis to evaluate the significance and role of configuration management in agile environments. The study draws from various reliable and authentic sources, including articles, journals, and research papers, to draw conclusions about the successful application of CM in agile settings. The research focuses on CM's ability to support short releases and continuous integration, as highlighted by Alba et al. (2014). CM effectively supports workspaces, merging, branching, and the continuous building process, providing substantial benefits to agile environments.

Boehm and Turner (2005) acknowledge the challenges faced by organizations with traditional development processes when implementing CM in agile settings. The transition often leads to contradictions and conflicts as managers and developers navigate the complexities of CM in agile environments. Sellers et al. (2014) suggest that CM is more easily integrated into standalone and small projects, aligning with the requirements of software development organizations and the broader industry (Lindkvist, Stasis & Whyte, 2013). CM's adaptability allows it to keep pace with rapid development changes and high industry demands.

Conversely, Fuggetta and Di Nitto (2014) highlight the challenges CM faces in larger organizations, where issues of scale and scope arise. Conflicts in the development process, business processes, and interpersonal dynamics present additional hurdles. In larger organizations, CM can become burdensome for developers and managers.

The research findings underscore CM's vital role in comparing project requirements with final deliverables (Koppenjan et al., 2011). CM effectively identifies additional features and alterations to the value chain, proving invaluable in such scenarios (Abrahamsson et al., 2017). While continuous building is fundamental, occasional defects necessitate recovery time, which CM accounts for. It tracks the number of builds and monitors extra processing, facilitating the migration path and downstream processes (Whyte, Stasis & Lindkvist, 2016).


The success of any software development methodology is significantly influenced by configuration management. In agile environments, CM ensures that the product under development is integrated effectively. While CM's application may differ in traditional settings, its principles remain consistent across all environments. Agile methodologies require CM to adapt to maintain developmental pace and integrate the value stream effectively. CM proves highly effective in smaller projects, requiring adjustments in larger endeavors. In conclusion, configuration management plays a crucial role in agile environments, enhancing productivity, collaboration, and adaptability, much like Aristotle's contributions to logic have shaped modern reasoning and philosophy.

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Agile Methods in Organizational Change. (2022, Jun 28). Retrieved from