Challenging Toxic Masculinity in Schools and Society
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Kathleen Elliott is a professor at the University of Wisconsin. Using a lens influenced by a feminist cultural critique, the author situates concerns about gender, power, and inequality in current events in the American culture.The author argues that toxic masculinity supports and is supported by gendered patterns of power that perpetuate broad inequalities and that schools have an important role to play in challenging these inequalities. This relates to my project through the main issue of the article over toxic masculinity which falls in the gender category of the theme.
The Shooting in Orlando, Terrorism or Toxic Masculinity (or Both?)Syed Haider has a Ph.D. and is a student at the University of London. The author uses resources such as published papers, historical plays, and credible people such as Gandhi. The author concluded that the incident in Orlando was a homophobic attack, and whether Mateen was (a self-hating) homosexual himself or whether he had been “radicalized,” neither of these things detract from the fact that homosexuality challenges notions of masculinity in the modern world.
Using homophobia as the frame to understand what happened in Orlando, one foregrounds gender and the construction of masculinity in the Muslim world as well as in the West. This relates to my project through the main issue of the article over toxic masculinity which falls in the gender category of the theme.Theorising masculinities and men's health: a brief history with a view to practiceGenevieve Creighton has a Ph.D and is a research associate for the Prevention Unit and Injury research in the department of pediatrics at UBC in which her research observes masculinities, health practices, and young men. Men have natural risk-taking tendencies than women and have more reluctance to help seeking. There is more gender oriented research about cultural norms and men’s health practices. The author tends to use a compilation of multiple commentaries and empirical evidence that show the effect in which masculinity has towards men’s health.
The author believes that while death is an extreme result of the product for the prompting change, we need to positively influence men and boys in our community. She does not believe this will solve all the problems but it does help leverage the solutions which would advance self-health and remove pressures of societal norms. It relates to my topic as giving it a scientific background knowledge and understanding between the controversy of toxic masculinity.Toxic Masculinity and Mental Health in Young Women: An Analysis of 13 Reasons Why Angelique Jenney, Ph.D., RSW is an Assistant Professor and the Wood’s Homes Research Chair in Children’s Mental Health in the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Calgary. Wood’s Homes is a multi-service, non-profit children’s mental health center based in Calgary. Dr. Jenney has over 20 years of experience in intervention and prevention services within the child protection, children’s mental health and violence against women sectors. Methods of gathering info they used include the watching and analyzing the show itself, and they cite documentaries and recent research from places like Harvard.They wrote the commentary to highlight what is not being talked about when adults discuss the series, including the presentation of toxic masculinity, issues of consent, and consequent sexual violence.
They want to challenge adults to encourage youth to reach out to ensure that the systems to which they reach are ready to support them, empower them, and work with them to address the issues they face in their lives. This relates to my project through the main issue of the article over toxic masculinity which falls in the gender category of the theme.“Toxic Masculinity” in the age of #MeToo: Rual, morality and gender archetypes across culturesSamuel Paul Louis Veissière is a co-director of the culture,mind, and brain program, a associate member in the department of anthropology, and an assistant professor of psychiatry. The paper in which Veissiere aims to take on the topic of “toxic masculinity” to begin examining recent and current cultural shifts in common assumptions about relations, morality, gender, between the genders. Toxic masculinity is a transculturally widespread stereotype about a man should be or should not be.The author revisits his earlier work on transnational sexualities against a wider analysis of the ethnographic, evolutionary, and historical record.
The author describes the larger cross-cultural occurrence of similar ideal types of men and women, both negative and positive, and the rituals through which they are culturally encouraged and avoided. The author argues that the toxic masculinity archetype is normally useful only if it is presented alongside a nuanced spectrum of other gender archetypes (positive and negative) and discussed in the context of human universality and evolved complementariness between the sexes. The author concludes that by talking about apathetic virtue models for the initiation of boys and argues that they are well suited with the normative dedications of inclusive societies that recognize gender fluidity along the biological gender spectrum. It relates by relates to my topic due to its relation to toxic masculinity and the me too movement.

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Challenging Toxic Masculinity in Schools and Society. (2020, May 14). Retrieved from