Career Exploration

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For my first journal, I am writing about the lifespan development. The physical and cognitive moves occur in every part of a person’s life. Lifespan development inspect how we adjust and grow from conception to death. It can be achieved based across three developmental areas: physical development, biological development, cognitive development, and socioemotional development. Theories in developmental psychology shape by unconscious processes by early experiences. Cognitive theories by John Piaget development based upon natural desire to solve problems in our environment.

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Vygotsky emphasized importance of social interaction and culture in learning. It is important to know where we have been and where we are headed.

For my second journal, I am writing about prenatal development. The procedure of growth and development inside the womb, that a single cell zygote grow to be an embryo, a fetus, and then a baby. The most major prenatal phase of development is the embryonic period of prenatal development. It lasts until about 8 weeks from the time of the tenth week of pregnancy. The embryo is developing the foundations for a healthy baby. The prenatal development happens rapidly during the antenatal that is the time between conception together with birth. It is divided into three phrases that are the germinal phrase, embryonic phrase, and fetal phrase. The germinal period fertilization, cell division attachment to uterine wall. The embryonic period is the rapid growth of body systems, development of neural tube, and the fetal period is the physical growth, completion of organ systems.

For my third journal, I am writing about infants’ nutrition. Proper nutrition during pregnancy plays a role in determining the health of the infant. The most important factors to consider when raising an infant is nutrition. Infants is a unique person whose heredity and environment shape into the life aspects of nutrition. Nutrition are infants essential of life. Food provides the nutrients babies need to be healthy. Breast or formula feeding is the main source of nutritional. At 4-6 months, infants may be introducing to solid food. When infants start eating solid foods, they need about 50 calories of weight per day. During infancy, a length of quick growth that requirements a pound of body weight is higher than other time in the life process. When they get older, they will deficient in fruits and vegetables. It is important for infants to consume all the nutrition because the benefits of good nutrition to health are endless.

Infants and particularly early childhood tend to focus on the people who are close to them and become bonded between a small group of people early in life. This is the basis for attachment, which is the strong emotional tie felt between the infant and significant of others. By 7 moths, they remember primarily caregivers and they attach to those. Young infants learn that when attachment forms, they can depend on parents and caregivers. Crying and clinging are attachment behavers of infants, which are used to signal others. Bowlby was the first theorist that discuss attachment as enduring psychological attachments between human beings. It was the result of the feeding between infant and the parents. Bowlby found attachment as clear behavioral. Later in the 1970s Answorth expanded upon Bowlby’s work. Studies have supported Ainsworth’s attachment styles have impact behaviors in life.

Early childhood education is the greatest approach topics out there. It is planned to assist develop positive self-concept and enrich child’s life intellectually. A proven investment to ensure that all children have a strong start in life. In this field there are four learning objectives that early programs have for early childhood. The goals are: intellectual development, physical development, emotional development and social development. The goals have a direct effect on their general growth and on the mature age they will become. The early childhood educator is important for educating young children, social development. Emotional and social adjustment, following directions, and getting along with other children. Early education career goals are to apply to immediate responsibilities and to aspirations.

Baumrind’s parenting style is based on the work of a developmental psychologist, Diana Baumrind. Each parenting style has different characteristics and brings different actions in the children. Parents play a key role in career development of adolescents. Baumrind identified the three initial parenting styles that are authoritative parenting, indulgent parenting, and authoritarian parenting. Baumrind’s permissive parenting expanded into two different types such as indulgent parenting and neglectful parenting. Authoritarian parenting is less warmth and high control, is rigidness and repetition make a sense of being in authority. Indulgent parenting is low control is when children cannot follow rules and have worse self-control. Authoritative parenting is moderate control and high warmth. Parents use praise and positive attention to make their children want to behave well. It leads to more career exploration and greater career satisfaction.

Howard Gardner proposed the eight multiple intelligences theory which are multiple types of intelligence that each is a different way of processing information. First is called verbal-linguistic intelligence and is basically using language to present ideas to express feelings. Good at rhyming, reading and writing. The second one is called logical-mathematical intelligence and is basically as intellectual intelligence like reasoning, logical thinking, handling mathematical problems. Third is intrapersonal intelligence like understanding other people emotions feelings, needs, purpose of others, and own interior thoughts. Fourth is bodily kinesthetic intelligence which means we good at handling and maneuvering own body. Expressing things physically and doing hands on work. Fifth is musical-rhythmic intelligence is being able to interpret sounds rhythm and tones. creating and expressing moods, also detecting and analyzing themes.

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Career Exploration. (2022, Jun 20). Retrieved from