Sexist Advertising and its Influence on Modern Consumer Behavior
The influence of advertisements on consumer attitudes and purchasing intentions has been a significant area of study in marketing and psychology. Various models, such as the Attitude Towards the Ad Model, have been utilized to explore how advertisements can shape consumer perceptions either positively or negatively (Batra & Ray, 1986; Cacioppo, Petty & Morris, 1983; MacKenzie, Lutz, & Belch, 1986; Moore & Hutchinson, 1983). This essay seeks to examine the impact of sexist advertising, particularly those containing sexually objectifying content, on consumer attitudes and purchase intentions. It will analyze how societal changes, authenticity in advertising, and consumer desire for genuine content interplay with this phenomenon.
Through this exploration, the essay will provide a nuanced understanding of how modern consumers perceive and react to sexist advertisements, setting the stage for advertisers to strategize effectively in today's market.
Impact of Societal Change
Societal norms and values are in constant flux, profoundly affecting consumer attitudes towards advertisements. As Boddewyn (1991), D’Emilio and Freedman (1988), and LaTour and Henthorne (1994) suggest, the effectiveness of sexually objectifying advertisements is contingent upon the prevailing moral and ethical standards of society. For instance, what might have been deemed acceptable or even effective in one era may become counterproductive in another as societal perspectives evolve. The increasing awareness and advocacy for gender equality and women's rights have led to heightened scrutiny of advertisements that objectify women. Sassatelli (2007) posits that these societal shifts necessitate a reevaluation of advertising strategies to ensure alignment with contemporary values. Advertisers must be acutely aware of these changes, as failure to do so could result in negative consumer perceptions and reduced purchase intentions.
Authenticity in Advertising
In contemporary advertising, authenticity has become a crucial determinant of consumer trust and engagement. Consumers today are more discerning and skeptical, seeking advertisements that reflect genuine values and transparency (Cornelis & Peter, 2017; Napoli et al., 2014; Schwabel, 2015; Ting, de Run & Jee, 2015). The rise of social media and digital platforms has further amplified this demand for authenticity, as consumers can easily share their opinions and hold brands accountable. Advertisements containing sexist or objectifying content are often perceived as inauthentic and outdated, failing to resonate with the modern consumer. Beverland, Lindgreen, and Vink (2008) emphasize that authenticity is a key factor in shaping consumer attitudes, with brands that fail to convey sincerity facing potential backlash. Therefore, advertisers must prioritize authenticity and align their messaging with the values of their target audience to foster positive consumer attitudes and drive purchase intentions.
Consumer Reactions to Sexist Ads
The relationship between consumer attitudes and purchase intentions in response to sexist advertisements is complex and multifaceted. Aaker and Biel (1993) and Kapferer (2012) highlight that advertising plays a pivotal role in branding and influencing consumer buying intent. However, the use of sexist content can evoke negative brand associations, ultimately diminishing brand evaluation and purchase goals (Um, 2013). Consumers are increasingly attentive to negative information, and advertisements perceived as sexist or objectifying can lead to adverse reactions (Eagly & Chaiken, 1993; Roper & Fill, 2012). The tendency for consumers to focus more on negative aspects than positive ones makes it crucial for advertisers to carefully consider the content and messaging of their advertisements. In the current societal landscape, where consumers prioritize authenticity and ethical standards, sexist advertisements can significantly impact consumer attitudes and hinder purchase intentions.
In conclusion, the interplay between societal changes, authenticity in advertising, and consumer reactions to sexist content is critical in shaping consumer attitudes and purchase intentions. The Attitude Towards the Ad Model provides a valuable framework for understanding this dynamic relationship. As societal norms continue to evolve, advertisers must adapt their strategies to align with contemporary values and prioritize authenticity in their messaging. Failure to do so can result in negative consumer perceptions and diminished purchase intentions. By recognizing the significance of these factors, advertisers can navigate the complexities of modern consumer behavior and effectively engage their target audience. Ultimately, the insights gained from this exploration underscore the importance of authenticity and ethical considerations in advertising, paving the way for more meaningful and impactful marketing strategies in the future.

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Sexist Advertising and Its Influence on Modern Consumer Behavior. (2021, Feb 26). Retrieved from